B48 - Richard J Walker & Family, 1795
TC 10-10
Robert J Walker was born 1-3-1795 the first son to Thomas and Elizabeth (Jackson) Walker .
Robert married twice, the first time to Mary Barrow (*-*-1794 – 1-3-1831) on 13-5-1819.
They had five children:-
Mary Barrow Walker died 1-3-1831.
At present the only comment available for the children of this unlucky marriage is the following paragraph in The Friend 1-8-1845:-
A death. (On the above date), after an illness of twelve days, at the house of a relative Robert Walker, Springfield Mount, Leeds, John Barrow Walker eldest son of Robert J Walker of Westfarms, near New York aged about 23 years. (see Biog – 45 for RW of Leeds)
Robert married a second time to Hannah H (L). Lawrence ( 26-9-1795 - 12-6-1855) on 10-4-1833. She was the daughter of Richard/Robert R and Hannah Lawrence.
They had two children:-
Robert J Jnr married Maria Louisa Platt on *-3-1856.
Richard L married Mary Underhill on 17-6-1863.
Richard B Walker, Formby. 5 October-2008