Software Tools

Link to my GitHub profile. Here is a list of the software developed by us. 

COYOTE:Glycoproteins Identification 

Sequence Derived Structural Descriptors Based Computational Identification of Glycoproteins. It is available as a WEBSERVER and is a part of our under-published article on the subject. The code for COYOTE is also available HERE.

SIP (Sam Interaction Predictor )

SIP: A computational prediction of S-Adenosyl methionine (SAM) interacting proteins and their interaction sites through primary structures. It is available as a WEBSERVER and is a part of our under-published article on the subject. The code for SIP is also available HERE.


ESIDE: Machine learning based computational method to identify earthworm species (E. fetida). It is available as a WEBSERVER and is a part of our under-published article on the subject. The code for ESIDE is also available HERE.


COVIDC: Expert System to diagnose COVID-19 and predict its Severity using Chest CT Scans. It is available as a WEBSERVER and is a part of our under-published article on the subject. The code for COVIDC is also available HERE.


COVIDX: COVId-19 Detection using X-ray images is a tool that uses deep feature maps from X-ray images to diagnose and predict severity of COVID-19 infection. It is available as a WEBSERVER and is a part of our under-published article on the subject. The code for COVIDX is also available HERE.


PANDA: Predict chAnge iN binDing Affinity  is a tool we have developed to predict a change in protein binding affinity upon mutations. . It is available as a WEBSERVER and is a part of our under-preparation article on the subject. The code for PANDA is available HERE.


LUPI-SVM based classification of protein complexes using binding affinity. It is available as a WEBSERVER and is a part of our published article. The code for LUPI is available HERE.


HepaticIndex: Predicts Liver Cirrhosis from ultrasound images. You can access the webserver HERE.


Hepaticus: Is a data acquisition system for ultrasound images of liver ultrasounds. Send us an email if you would like to sign-up as a contributor. You can access the webserver HERE.


ISLAND: In SiLlico protein AffiNity preDictor is a tool we have developed to predict binding affinity of proteins in protein complexes. It is available as a WEBSERVER and is a part of our published article . The code for ISLAND will also be available after the acceptance of our paper.


CaMels: Calmodulin (CaM) intEraction Learning System is a tool we have developed to predict binding sites and interactions of proteins with CaM. It is available as a WEBSERVER and is a part of our published article. The code for CaMELS is available HERE.


PAIRpred predicts protein-protein interfaces from sequence and structure. You can access its webserver here. You can access the code of the published version here.