What can we do here?

New compliance and interpretation signs have been put up in the Scientific Reserve on Monday 13th December 2021. These should be fully read and complied with by all visitors to the Reserve.

Anyone found destroying or removing these signs will be reported to the Police for action. DoC are able to access CCTV covering most of the Reserve areas.

What you are permitted to do here is governed by the Waikanae Estuary Scientific Reserve Regulations 1994.

In simple terms this is what you are permitted to do

a. Walk within the key open sandy parts of the Reserve, but not in any area where there is native vegetation growing or where there are notices excluding you, or advising you to stay clear e.g. nesting bird sites

b. Walk with a dog, on a lead at all times, but only on the main Reserve formed, metaled track from Manly Street to Otaihanga- nowhere else

c. Use a pushchair, buggy or other small-wheeled device for a child to be pushed in, on formed, metaled tracks and in open beach areas

d. Use a hand powered, disability wheeelchair on the main reserved metaled track, for an impaired person. (If you need to use a mobility scooter contact DoC Kapiti/Wellington office to obtain written permission)

And similarly this is what you cannot do, unless you have specific written permission from DoC:

  1. Take an animal into any part of the Reserve, except as covered in para b. above

  2. Take or ride any form of vehicle within the Reserve, including any form of cycle, scooter, car, trailer etc

  3. Bring any substances of any kind into the Reserve

  4. Drink alcohol, smoke or vape within the Reserve

  5. Remove any plant, sand, shingle, timber, soil, notice etc. from the Reserve

  6. Deface any structure within the Reserve, or create any form of structure e.g. driftwood hut

  7. Disturb any living creature within the Reserve

  8. Create a public disturbance within the Reserve.

Not permitted !

Must be on a lead and only on the main track!

Never permitted !

There are a number of agencies who have compliance officers able to give warnings or fines covering a wide range of offences under these regulations or other supporting regulations. In addition much of the Reserve is under observation by a number of people who have the best interests of the Reserve's flora and fauna at heart.

14 people were prosecuted last year!

All of us who love this place want to keep it open for you to enjoy, and learn more about its purpose, but the Minister of Conservation has wide ranging powers to close it off to the public if the regulations are being flouted.