How do I join a webinar via YouTube?

Start YouTube on your device, then enter our channel name into the YouTube search bar. Click on it, then click on the current live stream.

Channel Name: "Wahkiakum RandDteam" ... notice that it is two words, like a first and last name, don't forget the space!

The YouTube channel runs with about a 30 second delay compared to the Zoom webinar. That is normal, and can be quite disorienting if you try to do both on the same device.

How do I join a webinar via Zoom?

Click on the link sent to you. If you are new to Zoom your device will need to download the software. Otherwise it should start right up. If you are a seasoned Zoomer, just type in the ID# for the Forum.

How do I join the county Democratic Party or county Republican Party?

R: Contact Phyllis Wesley at

D: Contact Deb Lincoln at