Other work

Policy papers

Brazilian Sustainable Taxonomy: Inputs for Classifying Land Use Activities [link] (joint with Gabriela Coser, Carolina Moniz de Moura and Priscila Z. Souza. CPI/PUC-Rio Report).

Challenges of Rural Insurance in the Context of Climate Change: the Case of Soybeans [link] (joint with Priscila Z. Souza and Mariana Stussi. CPI/PUC-Rio Policy Brief).

The Challenges in the Adoption of Sustainable Practices by Small Ranchers. The Case of ABC Cerrado [link] (joint with Priscila Z. Souza, Mariana Stussi and Arthur Bragança. CPI/PUC-Rio Policy Brief).

Open Data Index for cities 2018: challenges for open data at the local level [link] (joint with Davi Ventura, Natália Mazotte and Ariel Kogan. By FGV DAPP and Open Knowledge Brazil).

Roraima’s economy and immigration from Venezuela:  evidence and support for public policies [link] (joint with Ana Guedes, Leonardo Cavalcanti, Tadeu Oliveira, Gustavo Simões and João Carlos Jarochinski. Funded by UNHCR and ESMPU. By FGV DAPP, OBMigra and UFRR).

Analysis and evaluation of Brazilian work-led immigration policy: guidelines for institutional development in the 21th century [link] (joint with Marco Ruediger, Margareth da Luz, Bárbara Barbosa and Janaina Fernandes. By FGV DAPP).


Por uma agricultura familiar inclusiva e sustentável: os desafios da política pública [link]. Op-ed at Globo Rural, 2024 (joint with Priscila Z. Souza).

Plano Safra traz avanços ambientais, mas deixa lacunas [link]. Op-ed at Valor Econômico, 2023 (joint with Priscila Z. Souza and Mariana Stussi).

Fortalecimento ambiental e da sustentabilidade no Brasil: o papel do BNDES [link]. Op-ed at Nexo Jornal, 2023 (joint with Priscila Z. Souza and Mariana Stussi).

Riscos climáticos e ambientais: os desafios da agropecuária e do seguro rural no Brasil [link]. Op-ed at Nexo Jornal, 2022 (joint with Priscila Z. Souza and Mariana Stussi).

É necessário um olhar estratégico para a migração no Brasil, diz pesquisador [link]. Interview at MigraMundo, 2019.

O desafio de pensar a imigração como política pública [link]. Op-ed at Nexo Jornal, 2018 (joint with Ana Guedes).

Qual o retrato da migração estrangeira hoje no Brasil, segundo este especialista [link]. Interview at Nexo Jornal, 2017.


Demographic simulator: a tool to simulate the economic and demographic effects of different immigration scenarios to Brazil (joint with Ana Guedes, Cássio Turra, Simone Wajnman, Raquel Guimarães and Mariana Cunha. By FGV DAPP, funded by Rede de Pesquisa e Conhecimento Aplicado FGV).

Organizer of the Study Group on Economics and Philosophy (joint with Raphael Gomes, João Cortese and Nobuiuki Ito).