Recent Activities

Rotary - Toronto West

Jane Botsford, a member of the Rotary Club-Toronto West, dropped by with a donation for WAES in February.  The money will be used to buy needed items like eggs.  We appreciate the ongoing support from this wonderful group of people.

Rotary Club - High Park, Parkdale, Humber

WAES received a donation of $3,000 from the Rotary Club of High Park, Parkdale, Humber in February.  We appreciate all the hard work that this group of people does to support WAES and our community.  Thank you Rotarians.

Weston Lions

Weston Lions has been a dedicated donor to WAES since the late 1980's.  Their dedication to community is so important to organizations like WAES.  This March they donated $5,000 which will enable WAES to purchase 2 months worth of chicken to share with our community.  Thanks to Weston Lions for all their support.  

York Lions

WAES was the recipient of a financial donation of $3,000 from the York Lions in April.  We are always grateful for the dedicated support we receive from this organization.  WAES is able to continue to serve our community due to the financial support of ogranizations like York Lions.

Weston Neighbours:

Fabulous Weston neighbours, Jennifer and Jacquie, organized an Egg Hunt for the community and asked for donations to WAES.  The result was $1,385 raised to support those in our community who are struggling.  Thank your to J&J, and all those who participated.