Projects & Leads

Marco Baldi

Department of Information Engineering

Università Politecnica delle Marche

 Code-based Cryptography

Alessio Caminata

Department of Mathematics

Università di Genova

Cryptanalysis of Pesto

Markus Grassl

International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies

University of Gdansk

The Puncture Code and Quantum MDS Codes

Delaram Kahrobaei

Departments of Mathematics and Computer Science 

QC The City University of New York

A Key Exchange using Double Group Action and Symmetric Groups

Julia Lieb

Institute of Mathematics

Ilmenau University of Technology 

Matrix Completion with Convolutional Codes

Jason LeGrow

Department of Mathematics

Virginia Tech

Group Action-based Adaptor Signatures

Alberto Ravagnani 

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Eindhoven University of Technology

The Random Variables of DNA Data Storage

Diego Ruano

Mathematics Research Institute

University of Valladolid

New Constructions of Quantum CSS-T codes

Emina Soljanin 

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Rutgers University

Quantum Guessing Games

Alex Sprintson

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Texas A&M University

Matrix Completion with Convolutional Codes

Violetta Weger 

School of Computation, Information and Technology

Technical University of Munich

Code Equivalence