Professional Activities

Conferences/Symposia/Workshops/Short Courses Organized


Sponsored by SERB under Karyashala Scheme, during 22nd-28th October 2021 at IIT Patna.

Convener along with Dr. Sweta Sinha and Dr. Smriti Singh

Organized by Center of Earthquake Engineering Research and Center for Endangered Language Studies, IIT Patna during 10th October 2020 at IIT Patna.


Organized by Center of Earthquake Engineering Research, IIT Patna during 05th-07th April 2018 at IIT Patna.

Post-Earthquake Studies

       Member of post-earthquake reconnaissance team from IIT Patna, IIT Kanpur and IIT Guwahati to study the effects of earthquake in Manipur and adjoining areas.

      Member of post-earthquake reconnaissance team from IIT Kanpur to study the effects of earthquake in Nepal and northern parts of Bihar.

       Member of post-earthquake reconnaissance team from IIT Kanpur to study the effects of earthquake in different areas of Sikkim (India).

Key Consultancy Projects

Invited Speaker