Making Change, Taking Space:
A call to gather (virtually)

June 26-28, 2024 on Zoom

A free gathering of educational developers for talks, activities, networking, and workshops.

We invite your ideas!

Making Change, Taking Space -- the title of our inaugural Annual Virtual Gathering -- is an invitation to share what you have been doing and what you are doing in your work as an educational developer, but more importantly, it is a call to action and into reflection: What change are you making and what space are you taking? 

We invite presenters from all backgrounds and experience levels to consider how you might share actionable strategies for change or tiny moments of space-taking with your colleagues. We especially invite newer educational developers to use this opportunity to flex a new muscle and try on sharing with our community via a lightning talk. Our sessions are designed to give as many colleagues an opportunity to present as possible, and our themes are drawn from feedback provided by educational developers. Some themes for presentation topics that you might consider are: 

Ready to do this? Great!

We request proposals by the end of the day on Monday,  April 15 (priority deadline). If you need more time, use the "Submit a session proposal" button before to let us know that you plan to submit a full proposal (you'll be taken to a much shorter form). We will accept submissions through end of day April 29 (extended deadline)

We aim to send notifications on proposals no later than May 20. If something delays that, we'll let you know.

Our goal is to bring together educational developers from around the world for a few days of connection, networking, and fun!

A pile of Scrabble letters, most of them are turned over, but a line of them in the center spell out the world learn.

Members of the team planning this event have created a set of values for this gathering. We invite you to review the values here. We ask all presenters and attendees to agree to these values.

Fully virtual, accessibility first.

All sessions will take place on Zoom. You'll be able to access those links from the program (coming in late May).

Get excited! We're looking forward to gathering in late June 2024!