Pradosh Puja

Pradosh Puja for Blessing of Lord Shiva

Pradosh Puja

Pradosha vrat is kept to please Lord Shiva & Parvati. Pradosha Worship is done on the third tithi (trayodashi) of Shukla and Krishna Paksh.

Shani pradosha that falls on Saturday is considered to be significant. The Pradosha falling on Monday is called Som Pradosha. Pradosha falling on Shivratri is called Maha Pradosha. It falls in the month of magh (Hindu Calendar month).

Pradosh time starts at sunset and continues for two Muhratas. Pradosh means removal of sins and dusk time also known as the Godhuli Bela. Pradosh Kaal is 1.5 hrs. Before sunset and 1.5 hrs. after sunset. The timing varies according to the geographical location. It’s believed to be the best time to worship Lord Shiva.

Vrat has to be accompanied by a night watch or wake. After taking bath before sunset, devotees worship Lord Shiva, Goddess Parvati, Lord Ganesh & Nandi bull. It’s done after checking the proper Muhurat. Story of Pradosh is also recited after formal puja. It’s believed that devotees get rid of all problems by this puja.

Here is Pradosh Vrat dates calendar for 2020

There are many types of Pradosh Fast/Vrats:

  • Som Pradosh: It comes on a Monday.

It helps the disciple to set and achieve goals in life

  • Bhaum Pradosh: It comes on a Tuesday.

His physical and mental health improves immensely.

  • Buddh Pradosh : It comes on Wednesday.

All the luxuries enter the devotee life and his family bonds become stronger and enduring.

  • Guru Pradosh: It comes on a Thursday.

The devotee gets inner peace and harmony in life.

  • Shani Pradosh : It comes on a Saturday.

Removal of all sins, present and past from the devotee’s life. Devotee gets rid from all the sins that he has committed due to worldly affairs.

Following steps have to be taken while performing the puja:

  • Devotees sit near the altar facing north or east.
  • Offer flowers, do abhishek with Ganga water and put datura, bel patra, white sandalwood, milk etc.
  • Pouring milk or water on Lord Shiva is called abhishek, Rudra abhishek is considered to be very holy and yields good results for the devotees.
  • Mantra chanting of Om Namah Shivay is also done simultaneously.
  • After this Shiv chalisa is read and Shiva aarti is done.
  • After the formal puja, prasadam is distributed to all the attendees.

Pradosh Vrat Katha (Story)

Once both Gods and Rakshas decided to churn the ocean filled with milk in search of “AMRIT” the liquid of immortality. Lord of serpents, Vasuki was used as a rope to churn. Halahala poison came out at first in this churning. The poison was very dangerous and the whole universe got terrified by it.

Lord Shiva drank every single drop of that poison and saved the world. Ma Parvati kept her hand on His neck to prevent that toxic poison from entering his body. The throat of Lord Shiva got blue because of this , and that’s why he is also called “NEELKANTH”. This was the day of Pradosh, when Lord Shiva saved the Universe from that deadly poison. They all in joy and celebration forgot to thank Lord Shiva. On the thirteenth day (Trayodashi), they asked Lord Shiva for forgiveness. Lord Shiva pardoned them and merriments continued.

Significance of Pradosh Puja

  • It helps to attain success in life. The disciple is able to set and achieve goals in life. Devotees gain health, wealth, success and prosperity.
  • The devotee gets inner peace and harmony in life. His physical and mental health improves immensely. Devotees are blessed with prosperity, children, peace and happiness in the families.
  • Women who seek to have progeny should conduct Pradosh Kaal Rudra Puja.
  • It increases family prosperity and lets you enjoy worldly pleasures. All the luxuries enter the devotee life and his family bonds become stronger and enduring.
  • Removal of all sins, present and past from the devotee’s life. Devotee gets rid from all the sins that he has committed due to worldly affairs.
  • Devotees performing this puja obtain moksha or mukti after death.

Lord Shiva heals and takes away all problems and sins of the devotees after this puja. By performing this puja one can eliminate ill fortune and can negate all his negative karmas of past life and abolish all sufferings. Devotees who worship Lord Shiva and conduct Rudra Puja and Abhishekam attain peace of mind. Lighting a Deepak is sufficient to get the blessings of Lord Shiva.