Ekadashi Vrat List

Ekadashi Vrat List

Ekadashi: Importance & Significance

Ekadashi means the eleventh day of the month in the Hindu calendar. In the two fortnights, Ekadashi comes twice in a month. The “Vrat” is a Sanskrit word which means “Oath”. Various festivals and rituals in Hinduism have this custom of keeping “Vrat”. It’s the true representation of your dedication and sacrifice towards the almighty.

  • Shukla Paksh Ekadashi: It’s the Ekadashi falling in the Suhkla Paksh or in the period of growing moon
  • Krishna Paksh Ekadashi: It’s the Ekadashi falling in the Krishna Paksh or in the period of depleting moon.

There are a total of twenty four Ekadashi Vrat observed every year, twelve for Shukla Paksh and twelve for Krishna Paksh. Main Ekadashi vrat is done for Vaikuntha Ekadashi and Ashadi Ekadashi, these are the two most popular Ekadashi that are celebrated among all.

This day is devoted to revering & worship of Lord Vishnu. Prayers and mantras are recited, and puja offered in commendation of Lord Vishnu to entreat his blessings for multifaceted affluence.

Ekadashi Vrat Vidhi

The Ekadashi Fasting or Vrat continues for three days. To avoid any kind of residual food in the stomach, the devotee only takes a single meal on the Dashmi( Tenth day), i.e. a day prior to Ekadashi. Devotees can opt for either no food fast or fast with Falahaar(Fruits). It totally depends on the devotion and the physical power of the devotee. You must not eat any kind of grains or cereals on the Ekadashi.

Some of the benefits of Ekadashi Vrat that a devotee attains according to spirituality are listed below:

  • This Vrat helps to attain success in life. The disciple is able to set and achieve goals in life. His life become purposeful
  • Ekadashi Vrat helps in the improvement of your health, both mentally and physically. The devotee gets inner peace and harmony in life. His physical and mental health improves immensely.
  • Removal of all sins, present and past from the devotee’s life. Devotee gets rid from all the sins that he has committed due to worldly affairs

In the morning after taking a bath or holy dip devotee takes an oath to keep a fast. The Paran or completion of fast is done on the other day that is twelfth day or Dwadashi.

List of Ekadashi Vrat in 2020

  • Pausha Putrada Ekadashi (Shukla Paksh) January, 2020

06 January


  • Shattila Ekadashi (Kirshna Paksh) January, 2020

20 January


  • Jaya Ekadashi (Shukla Paksh) February, 2020

05 February


  • Vijaya Ekadashi (Kirshna Paksh) February, 2020

19 February


  • Amalaki Ekadashi (Shukla Paksh) March, 2020

06 March


  • Papmochani Ekadashi (Kirshna Paksh) March, 2020

19 March


  • Kamada Ekadashi (Shukla Paksh) April, 2020

04 April


  • Varuthini Ekadashi (Kirshna Paksh) April, 2020

18 April


  • Mohini Ekadashi (Shukla Paksh) May, 2020

04 May


  • Apara Ekadashi (Kirshna Paksh) May, 2020

18 May


  • Nirjala Ekadashi (Shukla Paksh) June, 2020

02 June


  • Yogini Ekadashi (Kirshna Paksh) June, 2020

17 June


  • Devshayani Ekadashi (Shukla Paksh) July, 2020

01 July


  • Kamika Ekadashi (Kirshna Paksh) July, 2020

16 July


  • Shravana Putrada Ekadashi (Shukla Paksh) July, 2020

30 July


  • Aja Ekadashi (Kirshna Paksh) August, 2020

15 August


  • Parsva Ekadashi (Shukla Paksh) August, 2020

29 August


  • Indira Ekadashi (Kirshna Paksh) September, 2020

13 September


  • Papankusha Ekadashi (Shukla Paksh) September, 2020

27 September


  • Indira Ekadashi (Kirshna Paksh) October, 2020

13 October


  • Papankusha Ekadashi (Shukla Paksh) October, 2020

27 October


  • Rama Ekadashi (Kirshna Paksh) November, 2020

11 November


  • Devutthana Ekadashi (Shukla Paksh) November, 2020

25 November


  • Utpanna Ekadashi (Kirshna Paksh) December, 2020

11 December


25 December


Ekadashi Poojan Vidhi

Keeping the heart and mind devoted to Lord Vishnu, a disciple has to take a head bath whenever the puja is being performed. After taking a holy dip or bath devotees perform fasts. There is no requirement of the priest for this puja and anyone can perform it. Include Holy Ganga water, Holy Basil, flowers and panchamrit. After the formal puja, prasadam is distributed to all the attendees.

  • Ekadashi Katha(Story) & Chanting Process
  • Put the idols of Lord Vishnu on a chowki.
  • Begin Pooja by lighting Diya( Earthen lamp)
  • Recite 'Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya' Mantra.
  • Chanting of “Hare Rama Hare Krishna” mantra
  • Perform Lord Vishnu puja rituals and the chanting followed by Ekadashi Mata aarti.
  • Recitation of all sections of Ekadashi Vrat Katha.
  • Keep fast till Prasad is taken in the evening after the puja.

Ekadashi Vrat Parana Vidhi

It is a ritual that is performed at the end of the fast. When we start any fast we take a pledge to complete it. Once we are done with it we have to perform certain rituals in order to end it. It’s performed on the first quarter of the day of Dwadashi, The next day of Ekadashi. This time is also called Hari Vasar. Serving food to a Brahmin or helping the poor on Dwadashi tithi should be done. This ritual is important to take blessings of god after doing fasts otherwise fasts are considered to be incomplete.

If done with a clean and pious heart, there is no match to Ekadashi Vrat in terms of bringing good luck and prosperity in devotee’s life. With the pure soul and mind when a devotee worships the god the chances of his desires getting fulfilled increases manifold.