Current academic year

I have no teaching duties at the moment.

Past academic years

Detailed information about my teaching before 2020 can be found on the Italian version of the page: see here. For a summary, please check the following list:

  • Academic year 2020-2021

    1. Problem sessions for the course Funktionen beschränkter Variation (Function of bounded variation) held by dr. E. Davoli for the Graduate and Ph.D. program in Mathematics of the TU Vienna. Details here, on the e-learning platform TUWEL.

    2. Introduction to the mean curvature flow for the Graduate and Ph.D. program in Mathematics of the TU Vienna. Details here, on the e-learning platform TUWEL.

  • Academic year 2018-2019

    1. Motion of Level Sets by Mean Curvature, informal lecture course in collaboration with M. Pozzetta. Details here.

    2. Problem sessions for the course Analisi matematica II (Analysis II) held by professor M. Novaga for the Undegraduate program in Mathematics of the University of Pisa.

  • Academic year 2017-2018: Teaching assistant for the course Analisi matematica I (Analysis I) held by professor M. Novaga for the Undegraduate program in Mathematics of the University of Pisa.

  • Academic year 2016-2017: Problem sessions for the course Algebra lineare ed Analisi matematica II (Linear algebra and Analysis II) held by professor S. Galatolo for the Undegraduate program in Elettronics Engineering of the University of Pisa.