House Da Vinci

Welcome to House Da Vinci!

Hello to all new members of the greatest house in Veritas! We, the current House Leaders, are

incredibly excited to bring you into our family, here in house Da Vinci!

In our house we strive for the Virtue of Wonder just as Da Vinci did himself. Why? Well,

wonder causes us to look beyond. Through wonder, we use what we hold to be true, and then

contemplate that which is out of the scope of our understanding. Without wonder, Da Vinci

would never have been able to paint The Last Supper or come up with machines intended for

flight. Wonder allows us to playfully explore the unknown. So, in your own ways, we hope you

all will strive for the virtue of wonder during your time at Veritas.

The House system at Veritas aids in the formation of the student body. Houses allow the students

to be placed into smaller communities, which encourage deeper bonds among them. They cause

friendships to form that otherwise would not. Our House is a close group of individuals, who are

all passionate about the community they form. We showed this in the previous school year

(2019-2020), when House Da Vinci won the Spirit award at the two major House events: Field

Day and Academic Field Day (see our school website linked here for descriptions) . Our care for

each other, instilled through our house, is signified by these awards, which we hope to win again.

Despite all that is going on in the world, we as your house leaders intend to build the same

community in whatever way we can. We will continue to put on events such as coffee houses,

house breakfasts, art contests, movie nights and many more, because we want your experience in

house Da Vinci to be the best it can be.

Congratulations on your admittance to House Da Vinci!


Michael Shiaras (Consul)

Natalia Flower (Proconsul)

Ron Johnson (Proconsul)

The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding.

- Leonardo Da Vinci

Video Message from House Leaders HERE