House Joan of Arc

Welcome to House Joan of Arc!

Good day, and welcome to House Joan of Arc! The houses at Veritas are great ways to get active in the school community and meet new friends. Usually, we would have a myriad of house activities in the first quarter, but they have been postponed until later in the year.

However, we have new events planned for this quarter! While details are still being arranged, we are scheduling a movie night very soon. All of the information on these events will be available on the google classroom for house Joan, which will be posted soon. Until then, get excited about the activities we have planned!

Joan of Arc herself was a brave woman, who fought valiantly against the invading British. No matter how bad the situation seemed, she still courageously pressed on and never backed down. The times we live in are certainly extraordinary, which means we must show the same persistence in our academics, no matter how hard it may seem

We wish you a fantastic start to the school year, and cannot wait to see you back on campus! Remember to be dauntless, and start getting excited about all of the various in school house events!


Consul Sarah Sharaby

Proconsul Sofie Smith

Proconsul Samuel Stipe

Video Message from House Leaders HERE