Platform + Priorities


The Vote for Babylon party believes that the Village of Babylon government should embrace values held by residents and small business owners in the community.

Our goal is to bring forth a more transparent government that fosters community involvement using innovation.


Create a Meaningful Five-Year Plan

Work to create a meaningful 5-year plan that focuses on solutions for cost-saving measures, new means of revenue, increased utilization of current assets and parking/transportation solutions.

Foster a more Community-Friendly Government

Encourage more community involvement and participation in decisions that affect residents, business owners, and visitors. Create a more open and welcoming environment at Board Meetings to foster positive civic engagement. We would like to bring forth a platform that allows all village residents a place to be heard, the ability to participate in programs that are beneficial to the village residents and businesses alike. Build a transparent environment where members of the community have access and are encouraged to participate in the decision-making processes that affect residents and business owners.

Improve Public safety

The safety of our residents and their children are of utmost importance. It is a privilege to see our children and families feel comfortable enough to enjoy their time walking, biking, skating together through our village. This allows relationship building with Village merchants who get to know out-and-about citizens. Everyone deserves to feel safe and comfortable, so we will prioritize public safety and focus on some improvements that are overdue.

Enhance the Village's Best Attributes

We aim to continue to honor the history and charm of Babylon Village while securing a successful future through opportunities for growth, economic success, and new technology. We aim to use innovative new technologies to increase foot traffic to store fronts, improve consumer experience and encourage repeat visits to local businesses. Some specific updates necessary include:

  • Improving the walk-ability of downtown Babylon Village.

  • Evaluating difficult intersections, areas that need crosswalks and/or cross guards, and ensure safety of families enjoying the downtown.

  • Looking for parking solutions in our overcrowded parking lots to ensure customers can access our shops and restaurants with ease.

Create a Business-Friendly Government

Many business owners and residents are unaware of how to apply for permits, what requires a permit, etc. and are often met with misinformation. We would like to make it easier for businesses to know requirements and have a platform to ask questions and receive guidance. We would also like to provide flexibility to reflect the current needs, circumstances and concerns of modern-day businesses. Standardizing Village codes and regulations would help ensure consistency throughout the Village.

Modernize Government Technology

The Village is overdue for technology updates that would help the government run more efficiently, recognize fiscal savings, and improve the experiences of residents and businesses.