
I am Industrial Engineer (2015) and Doctor in Mechanical Engineering (2020) from the University of Zaragoza. I completed my Ph.D. degree in October 2020 under the form of an International Doctorate achieving a Cum Laude distinction. The thesis was entitled An Accurate and Robust Numerical Scheme for Transport Equations under the supervision of Prof. Antonio M. Pascau-Benito

I began my research career as a graduate student, under the guidance of professor Antonio in the Computational Fluid Mechanics (CFM) Group at the University of Zaragoza working on computational magnetohydrodynamics. After completing my engineer’s degree, I began my doctoral thesis at the same research group. The topic was the numerical analysis of an advanced discretization technique for convection-diffusion problems. During my Ph.D. I was hosted as visiting researcher by the Eindhoven University of Technology in 2018, working with Assoc. Prof. J.H.M. (Jan) ten Thije Boonkkamp developing new flux approximation schemes for conservation laws.

Completed my doctoral studies, I joined the Technical University of Madrid working with Prof. Eusebio Valero–Sanchez and Prof. Esteban Ferrer–Vaccarezza for a postdoctoral position on high-order solvers for industrial aerodynamics simulations. In parallel, I collaborated with Prof. Manuel Díez-Minguito (University of Granada) in ocean modelling.

In 2022, I was awarded a Margarita Salas grant by the University of Zaragoza. 

Although I am an engineer, I consider myself a mix of applied mathematician and computational scientist.