My first name is Vittorio, and my last name (family name) is De Iuliis (pronounced like DE - YOU - LEE - IS, listen) with no middle name.
My birthplace is Vasto, a small ancient town in the wonderful Abruzzo region, in central Italy. Vasto is the center of the Trabocchi coast, a beautiful short coastline dotted with peculiar fishing machines consisting of wooden platforms anchored to the rocks. Vasto is also known for its beautiful shores and its culinary delights. Among these, the famous "brodetto alla vastese" is the one to go for. I spent my first childhood in Castiglione Messer Marino, a gracious little village in the southern mountain part of Abruzzo. Juan Manuel Fangio, the famous Formula 1 champion, had his roots in Castiglione.

Before getting into teaching and Research, I've had many passion which I thought I could dedicate my whole life to. Literature, music, cinema, theater, photography, billiard, wirstwatches, wine, table tennis, comic strips, journalism, cappuccino tasting. Then at some point I discovered the beauty of teaching and everything else felt into the "hobbies" section of my CV (btw, here is why I don't like CVs).

Nevertheless, I still am a professional timewaster.