Airlie 60 Second Photo Essay

After our first trip to Airlie we had hundreds of photos that needed to be meticulously combed through in order to find the best ones. Eventually we had compiled a best of folder, and from that we created these photo essays. 

The image I have chosen to analyze from our class trip to Airlie is a shot by Sam Jaffe. The image depicts the snout of an Angus cow in great detail. The cow's nose is placed on an intersecting third line. Your eyes are immediately drawn to the nose, the water droplets on the nose then up the snout and over to the background depicting a contrast between the black cow and the light sky. In order to emphasize such details as the cow's whiskers, drool, and moisture I assume that Jaffe upped her contrast and exposure in post-production editing. The choice of cropping the eyes and the rest of the cow face removes the focus on the eyes, what people are normally first drawn to, but focuses on a part of the cow that we wouldn't think to look at first. Jaffe uses many basic photography techniques to create this powerful image.