Babylon 5 Emporium

The Babylon 5 Emporium is quite extensive - there are many examples of different kinds of memorabilia.  You come across some stalls that are offering factual information about the station.  Another part seems devoted to strange models and figurines.  You can't quite decide if this is a worthy cause, or some marketing executive's idea of the last best hope for a quick buck...

Looking for Non-Fiction

You continue walking through the Emporium.  Off to the left and right, you see rare copies of factual books and manuals relating to Babylon 5.  Some of these are for sale, but many are the last surviving copies.

You may have to engage the services of an agent to track these down at another supplier.  But you think it's worth spending time here, just to find out what used to exist...

In-Universe Companions

The Babylon 5 Security Manual, taken from Michael Garibaldi's induction for new Security recruits and edited by Jim Mortimore, contains a wealth of information relating to the shows, including Tim Earls' original design specs for some of the more important spacecraft, and the station itself.  Published by Boxtree in the UK and Del Rey in the USA.

Dining on Babylon 5 is a rare gem, featuring a choice of alien recipes collected by the Head Chef and proprietor of the Fresh Air restaurant, Emerson Briggs-Wallace (with some help from Stephen Smith).  Enjoy zoonburger, yogtree and, of course, that famous delicacy Spoo (menus also suggest human substitute foods).  Published by Boxtree in the UK and Del Rey in the USA.

The book Creating Babylon 5 by David Bassom was published earlier by Boxtree in the UK and later by Del Rey in the USA.  It details some of the show's ground-breaking production techniques and CGI effects, describing the origins and production history of the show, with background material, character bios, and some episodic synopses.

Babylon 5 Security Manual

Dining on Babylon 5

Creating Babylon 5

Looking for Memorabilia

You continue walking through the Emporium.  Off to the left and right, you see kiosks offering various models of Earth Alliance spacecraft and other stands selling figurines.  You pick up a model of the Centauri Ambassador, Londo Mollari, and wonder if it is anatomically accurate...

You may have to engage the services of an agent to track these down at another supplier.  But you think it's worth spending time here, just to find out what used to exist...

Revell Model Kits

Revell/Monogram offered various kits, based on the Babylon 5 Station and the Starfury fighter.  These were of excellent quality, made of injection moulded polystyrene.  The Babylon 5 Station model had a rotating carousel section and plenty of waterslide transfers to capture the detailed hull patterning.  The Starfury model came with the option of decorating it as Ivanova's personal fighter, or as a Black Omega Psi Corps ship.  A second Starfury model came with the option of decorating it as either Garibaldi's or Sheridan's personal fighter.


There were at least two scales at which Babylon 5 figurines were offered.  The smaller scale action figures were solid plastic, with the major joints articulated.  The larger scale collectors' edition figures were fully articulated, and dressed in machined clothing made from various fabrics.

The vendor apologises, saying that this is the last copy he has in the shop.  Where else might you go?