Babylon 5 Emporium

You have wandered through Red 6 into the Emporium, a cross between a museum and a souvenir shop dedicated to old Babylon 5 memorabilia.   Part of it seems devoted to old historic literature.  Further afield, you may also find technical manuals, alien cooking recipes and model figurines.  You may have to browse here for a while...

Looking for Historic Fiction

You take a walk through the Emporium.  Off to the left and right, you see rare copies of various books, magazines and merchandise relating to the history Babylon 5.  Some of these are for sale, but many are the last surviving copies.

You may have to engage the services of an agent to track these down at another supplier.  But you think it's worth spending time here, just to find out what used to exist...

Original Novel Series

The original novels were offered on an ad-hoc basis to various authors, who were allowed to develop their own material within the Babylon 5 universe.  The tone of the writing varies from volume to volume; and not all are up to the high standard of the television series, although all are interesting.  Books 7 and 9 were written in closer collaboration with the plot threads of the TV shows and are considered canon.  These were published by Boxtree/Channel 4 Books in the UK and by Dell in the USA.

Book 1: Voices

Book 2: Accusations

Book 3: Blood Oath

Book 4: Clarke's Law

Book 5: The Touch of Your Shadow...

Book 6: Betrayals

Book 7: The Shadow Within

Book 8: Personal Agendas

Book 9: To Dream in the City of Sorrows

The Psi Corps Trilogy

The Psi Corps Trilogy deals with the rise of the Psi Corps, and the life story of Alfred Bester, Psi Cop.  J Gregory Keyes, an established author, was commissioned to write the entire trilogy, from a detailed plan that was consistent with other storylines.  This is considered canon, and was published by Boxtree in the UK and Del Rey in the USA.

Part 1: Dark Genesis

Part 2: Deadly Relations

Part 3: Final Reckoning

The Legions of Fire Trilogy

The Legions of Fire Trilogy deals with the fall of the Centauri Republic and its eventual delivery by the Interstellar Alliance.  Peter David, an established author, was commissioned to write the entire trilogy, from a detailed plan that was consistent with plotlines set up at the end of Babylon 5.  This is considered canon, and was published by Del Rey in the USA.

Part 1: The Long Night of Centauri Prime

Part 2: Armies of Light and Dark

Part 3: Out of the Darkness

The Passing of the Technomages Trilogy

The Passing of the Technomages Trilogy deals with the life story of Galen, one of the Technomages, and explains their reasons for the passing out of known space.  Jeanne Cavelos, an established author, was commissioned to write the entire trilogy, from a detailed plan that was consistent with plotlines set up during and after the end of Babylon 5.  This is considered canon, and was published by Del Rey in the USA.

Part 1: Casting Shadows

Part 2: Summoning Light

Part 3: Invoking Darkness

The vendor apologises, saying that this is the last copy he has in the shop.  Where else might you go?