Officer's Quarters

You have arrived at Blue 3, Suite 6, the quarters of Michael Garibaldi.  The doorchime warbles when you press it.  You hear Garibaldi's voice say: "Yeah!" over the intercom. The door opens automatically...

Head of Babylon 5 Security, Michael Garibaldi, warms up a bit when he's off duty.  He's a keen cook, and especially likes to make Bagna Cauda, an Italian-style fondue with olive oil, flavoured with garlic and anchovies, into which you dip toasted pieces of bread.

Psi Scan: The phrase "peek-a-boo" flashes past.

Psi Scan: The phrase "duck dodgers" flashes past.

At Home with Michael Garibaldi

Hi there! Wanna come on in?  David told me you were on your way around.  Sorry if I snapped at you earlier.  Why don't you try some of this?  It's Bagna Cauda, my old Dad used to make this for me on my birthday.  What?  Oh, thanks, yes it is, today's the day. It's been a while since anyone wished me anything.  I was expecting Franklin to pop round later - you've not seen him around?  Oh, you don't know our doctor.  Well, he and Jeff - that's the Commander to you - are the closest thing I have to friends in this place.  I was hoping they'd come and share in my little celebration.

What about Jeff?  Well, he and I go back a long way.  We served on the EarthForce base on Mars Colony together.  We saw some pretty strange stuff there: the Mars food riots, and other things...  Well, he's one of the good guys.  He got me out of trouble after I was busted on the Io shuttle run.  You see, I was about to nail a smuggling ring and they decided to booby-trap the landing pad, but the blast killed my copilot and friend instead.  I couldn't bear seeing his daughter's face and I seriously hit the bottle, after that.  Took me a long while to crawl out again.  I'm strictly on H2O now!  Jeff gave me another chance, to run Security on this place.  I figured, why not? I've got nothing else to lose.

So, what's Security like?  Well, you should come along to my office and I'll show you some of the tools of the trade.  We've got a number of lurkers under surveillance.  Oh, you've heard about N'Grath, have you?  He's the meanest fixer in the Alien Quarter.  We're trying to nail him for trading in stolen identicards and passwords.  You don't want to mess with him, he's got his mandibles into every racket going down on Babylon 5.

So, where are those guys?  All I wanted was for Sinclair and Franklin to drop by and try out my Bagna.  And then, maybe share in my second favourite thing in the Universe.  Oh, that's old Warner Brothers cartoons, you know, Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck.  You see that poster of Daffy on the wall?  I'm trying to convince Vir Cotto that he's the ancient Egyptian God of Frustration!  Haha!  I've got all the old vids here; d'you wanna stay and have a look?

Okay, I understand if you've got other places to go.

What next?  Follow the EarthForce signs?  Or go home?