Officer's Quarters

You have arrived at Blue 3, Suite 15, the quarters of Lieutenant Corwin.  The doorchime warbles when you press it.  You hear Corwin's voice say: "Enter" over the intercom.  The door opens automatically...

David Corwin is a Babylon 5 Operations Officer.  He is normally in charge of day-to-day operations in the Observation Dome.  Right now he is off duty. He seems a pleasant, but rather shy and awkward person.

Psi Scan: The phrase "She loves me" flashes past.

Psi Scan: The prase "She loves me not" flashes past.

At Home with David Corwin

Hi, I'm David Corwin; and I'm delighted to welcome you to my home.  I'm afraid it's not much.  We junior officers don't get the same breaks as the senior Command Staff.  Technically, I'm only a Lieutenant, Junior Grade. We only get those sonic vibe showers.  What I'd give to have a real honest-to-goodness hot water shower, like Commander Sinclair and Lieutenant Commander Ivanova.  But all water has to be recycled, as a precious resource.

Sorry, I'm rambling again.  Would you like to come in and sit down?  Oh, you were hoping to find out where different people live on this station?  Well, I can just go and download today's logs from the BabCom terminal over here.  They're very useful things, you know.  Just wait a moment and I'll log into the terminal here...

That seems fine - although I don't know why you would want to know where N'Grath lives?  He's a pretty shady character from downbelow, who's managed to set himself up as a bit of a fixer.  They say he's got the other lurkers working for him, now.  I'd be careful if I were you.  You should hear what Michael Garibaldi has to say about N'Grath - it's not nice, I can tell you. 

Oh - do you have to go so soon? Well, do come back, anytime I'm off duty.  You know, we don't get much time to socialise and stuff like that.

What next?  Follow the EarthForce signs?  Or go home?