Grey Sector

You are now in Grey Sector.  Babylon 5 Technical Personnel should alight here for the Transfer Grid, Raw Materials storage, Station Maintenance, the Fabrication Centre and Heavy Engineering.  Other visitors may arrange with Babylon 5 Operations to meet with Babylon 5 Technicians and discuss technical aspects of the station's construction and layout.

This sector is devoted to engineering and maintenance.  Visit here if you wish to discover engineering statistics about Babylon 5.  We have also just heard that a MaintTech has gone missing on Grey 17.  They want to send someone to investigate...

Hiya! I'm Mack and he's Bo.  We're the MaintTechs on Babylon 5.  D'you wanna try a bite of this?  It's Spoo.  Tastes like chicken, I reckon.  So, you don't wanna try it?  Okay then; don't mind me. 

Not a lot of people come round to see us, y'know.  Sometimes I think we're invisible to you guys out there, so it's nice when somebody drops by, if you don't mind me saying.

In the Transport Tube

You never know who you might meet in the transport tube.  You keep running into two MaintTechs, in between jobs in Grey Sector.  The short guy is more talkative...

If you want to know more about Babylon 5 before you start your exploration, you may like to use the BabCom terminal, which may offer useful information.