Create interactive 360 virtual tours in the most easy and pleasant way: 360 views (panoramas), 360 videos, embedded sounds, videos and photos, floorplans and fully customizable frames. Start telling actual stories with multifunctional hotspots and clickable objects that your audience discovers when walking through the tour. New 3D transition effect and unique features, such as Animated Panorama, Live Panorama (day-to-night effect), Adaptive HDR and 360 video with hotspots on top.

Experience the power of virtual tours like never before with our advanced 3D models interactivity feature. Bring your pre-existing 3D models to life with our user-friendly 3D tour editor. Take complete control over camera angles, lighting, shadows, animations, textures and more to create truly unique and immersive experiences.

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Virtual Tours on the point of first contact, which Google tends to be, are the ultimate tool to familiarize the customer with a business. Plus, they also have proven to positively impact indexation and visibility on search platforms, helping you show up among the first.SCORM COMPLIANT LMSFOR EDUCATIONThe "Sharable Content Object Reference Model" is a set of standards and specifications for e-learning that makes sure that all e-learning content and LMSs can work with each other. Just like the DVD standard makes sure that all DVDs will play in all DVD players. 3DVista VT PRO lets you create SCORM compliant virtual tours. This means you can add and integrate your virtual tours into your SCORM compliant online courses and MOOCs.tutorialMore FeaturesGeneralEXPORTING FOR WEBYou can upload your virtual tour to the internet, either as a new webpage (solely showing the tour) or as part of an existing webpage (i.e. integrate the virtual tour into the product descrip-tion page of a house that you are offering).

This format publishes your virtual tour as one file, which can be used locally. This means, you can pass it on via CD, USB stick or email and your audience can run the virtual tour without the need for an internet connection or extra software. Simply double click on the file and the virtual tour will start running on any computer.

When sharing a link on social networks (e.g. facebook), the virtual tours will automatically show in an optimum way. Image, description and text will be displayed in an optimum format to maximise exposure and awareness.

When publishing your virtual tour, you can select an (additional) option, that optimizes your virtual tours for display on mobile phones. This will publish an alternative, smaller version of the virtual tour which saves your customers valuable bandwidth and makes the tours run more smoothly on mobiles, without any compromise of quality whatsoever.

Going to a museum no longer requires being in the actual place. Although there is nothing like going through galleries and rooms discovering historical curious facts or great works of art, this is no longer the only option. Thus, it is possible to take virtual tours in some of the most important museums without having to leave your home. Quite an affordable alternative that can solve a rainy day and other situations when there is no choice but to stay at home.

Next to the National Library, one of the most beautiful in Madrid, is the physical headquarters of the National Archaeological Museum. It houses a huge collection that allows you to travel back in time from prehistoric times. Thus, you can get to know the cultures that have shaped the country, from the Neolithic to the medieval ones, including the classics. Among its pieces there are wonders such as the Bicha de Bazalote or the Dama de Elche. Fortunately, its virtual tour is one of the best you can find. There is also an interesting mobile application that lets you review it through panoramic views.

As well as the National Archaeological Museum, the Museum of Natural Sciences of Barcelona is a perfect option for children. A very diverse and scientific review of the best of nature. In this case, the virtual visit comes from an initiative between the institution from Barcelona and Google. Between them they have created a digital site that goes through a digital map, reports and photographs of the area.

Venha conhecer o Palcio da Justia, sede do Poder Judicirio paulista. A visita promove a aproximao da Corte com a comunidade e apresenta a histria do Tribunal de Justia, do prdio e de seus principais ambientes.

KVM (for Kernel-based Virtual Machine) is a full virtualization solution for Linux on x86 hardware containing virtualization extensions (Intel VT or AMD-V).It consists of a loadable kernel module, kvm.ko, that provides the core virtualization infrastructure and a processor specific module, kvm-intel.ko or kvm-amd.ko.

For large SGA sizes, HugePages can give substantial benefits in virtual memory management. Without HugePages, the memory of the SGA is divided into 4K pages, which have to be managed by the Linux kernel. Using HugePages, the page size is increased to 2MB (configurable to 1G if supported by the hardware), thereby reducing the total number of pages to be managed by the kernel and therefore reducing the amount of memory required to hold the page table in memory. In addition to these changes, the memory associated with HugePages can not be swapped out, which forces the SGA to stay memory resident. The savings in memory and the effort of page management make HugePages pretty much mandatory for Oracle 11g systems running on x86-64 architectures.

La DJ virtual Linx-04, desarrollada por Inteligencia Artificial, alista su debut en el festival Creamfields 2023, que se llevar a cabo este sbado 14 de octubre en el Club Hpico.

Alm disso, eleĀ  um plugin leve, que no atrapalha a agilidade do seu site WordPress,Ā  fcil de manusear e permite que a sua loja virtual seja criada diretamente dentro do seu site, sem precisar de uma plataformaĀ  parte.

A verso Open SourceĀ  livre de licenas a serem pagas aos desenvolvedores, porm ser necessrio fazer alteraes especficas e instalar programasĀ  parte para que a sua loja virtual funcione corretamente.

Mas, caso voc tenha em mente um grande projeto, tenha os recursos necessrios para investir e deseja que a sua loja virtual seja desenvolvida com a robustez da Magento, ela ser uma tima opo!

Diante desses valores,Ā  importante que voc compare preos e planos dentre as plataformas citadas, a fim de aproveitar o melhor custo-benefcio e evitar problemas recorrentes com a sua loja virtual.

Assim, um dos principais objetivos da Dooca CommerceĀ  lhe ajudar a criar uma loja virtual com um design moderno, bonito, gil e de alta converso, sem que voc precise investir muito tempo para isso.

Caples also kept a flock of sheep and bred them for meat, wool, and milk. On October 26, 1931, he sold 130 pounds of wool for $19.50. His primary relation to sheep, however, was in sheering them for money. Chopping, splitting, and hauling wood provided an additional source of income, and he kept busy trapping skunks, foxes, weasels, linx, and mink, whose pelts he sold for profit.

Al igual que el Museo Arqueolgico Nacional, el Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Barcelona es una opcin perfecta para nios. Un repaso muy variado y cientfico a lo mejor de la naturaleza. En este caso la visita virtual viene de la mano de una iniciativa entre la institucin barcelonesa y Google. Entre ambos han generado un espacio digital que recorre a travs de un mapa digital, reportajes y fotografas el espacio.

Toca saltar a Catalua a travs de las redes, concretamente a Figueres. All se abri en 1974 un museo muy peculiar. El propio protagonista del mismo, Salvador Dal, fue el encargado de realizarlo sobre el teatro municipal de la localidad de Girona. El resultado es un enclave que permite adentrarse en la obra del artista surrealista de una forma nica. Su web ofrece varias vistas de 360 y una completa informacin sobre la coleccin que permite realizar la visita desde el saln.

Esta institucin naci en las primeras etapas de la monarqua borbnica en Espaa. Su desarrollo vino de iniciativas de la poca de Felipe V cristalizadas gracias a Fernando VI. Gracias a ello se dio lugar a uno de los grandes institutos artsticos del pas. La Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando se desarroll mucho psoteriormente con Carlos III y sus herederos. Sobrevivi a los periodos republicanos, ya consolidada como centro de referencia, y acumula en la actualidad una gran coleccin. Esta se puede ver de una forma perfecta gracias a la gran visita virtual que han creado. Est muy bien diseada, como no poda ser de otra forma, y combina panormicas estticas con mapeados 360 para recorrer sus diferentes plantas. ff782bc1db

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