Atitlán Lake

(By Adrián Arévalo C.)

Where is this "wondrous" place located?

The Atitlán Lake is located in the Sololá department of Guatemala, covering about 130.1 square kilometers of pure water, and that's just its area! It is surrounded by 3 volcanoes, which on their "skirts" the city of Panajachel is located.

This place was declared a protected area in 1989, by the Congress. Just because the law said that the conservations of the boundless biodiversity is very important and has to be kept alive.

The biodiversity of the ecosystem and its type:

Forests (Oak, and Conifer)

Wetland (Lake)

...Duh its a lake.

This place contains over 116 species of variant reptiles and amphibians, this may contain the endangered species such as the Salamander. It also contains 236 bird species, this includes the Quetzal. If we go more deeply into the forests we can find spiders, and snakes, some of them may be poisonous. And various mammals.

How do human activities affect this environment?

Humans have been chopping trees for many years, and this has caused animals to leave their natural habitat.