Conclusion #1

(By Gramajo)

Evolution and Natural Selection:

A man named Charles Darwin proposed a theory about evolution, which is defined as the change or adaptation of an organism's species over time, in fact, he suggested that natural selection, where different organisms would "fight" to survive and reproduce, only the ones with the best characteristics would survive, had a lot to do with how species evolve.

Evidence of Evolution:

Fossil Record




Viruses and the fight with COVID-19

A virus is a nonliving strand of genetic material within a protein coat and do not display all the characteristics of life. They are generally classified by the type of nucleic acid they contain. However, that can also depend on their morphology, DNA or RNA, mode of replication, the organisms they infect and the type of disease they cause and the design of their capsids. In this case, the COVID-19 contains a spike, its genetic material, a capsid and an envelope.

Most viruses contain capsids and their genetic material (which can vary between RNA and DNA depending the virus, also used for classification), however, all of the coronavirus' family uses explicitly RNA. In-fact, the COVID-19 has an 80% RNA similarity with its predecessor, the SARS virus.

Why can't we have a vaccine already?

Since the COVID-19 came unprecedented, most scientists were unaware of it until it was already too late. Sadly, they don't have it just yet, but are continuously working on it.

But this isn't the only reason, the RNA is able to quicly mutate and no COVID-19 virus is exactly the same to the other one, meaning they could possibly have different deactivation factors.

Final Conclusion & Reflection:

Viruses are not alive, unlike cells, and there are many varieties to which they are classified. For instance, the COVID-19 only has a capsid and looks like a crown, for that reason its called the "coronavirus". Charles Darwin "discovered" the theory of evolution, proving that every organism had a common ancestor at one point until they got specific traits.

I truly learned a lot throughot this section, I didn't even know that a virus was not alive until now, I thought they were like cells because they had DNA/RNA.