Single Stroke Roll

A single stroke roll creates a sustained sound by rapidly alternating one stroke on each hand.

This roll is one of the most common rudiments used in drumset playing and it is the base of all other rolls that you will learn.

Single Stroke Roll Practice

To work our way up to the single stroke roll, you will start by playing the above exercise at 90 beats per minute. When you reach the end, switch to the left hand leading off and start again. Continue this pattern every day for two minutes to gain fluency and confidence. When you are comfortable playing the exercise at 90 beats per minute, try bumping up the tempo by 10 beats per minute. Remember: playing the exercise slow, relaxed, and clean is better than fast, dirty, and tense.

Once you have bumped the tempo up to 130 beats per minute, think of the eighth notes as sixteenth notes. The goal is to achieve this roll evenly and without any tension.

Single Stroke Roll Video

Watch the video below to see a demonstration of a single stroke roll, an explanation and then guided practice with Mrs. Stewart.

Beginning - 0:07: Demonstration of Single Stroke roll by Ms. Samantha Fordis.

0:07 - 0:45: Explanation.

0:45 - End: Guided Practice using the exercises to the left.