Apps & Online Resources

There's an App for that...

People suffering from mental health issues usually get allotted limited time with their care providers per session. That makes it tough to discuss every minor details and feedback at length. Mobile apps under the health behaviour intervention category solve this very problem. Such apps not only become an extension to the conventional treatment but also empower patients to mindfully manage their lifestyle. Moreover, the apps offer relevant clinical education along with behavioural feedback. The apps also assist in increasing health-promoting behaviours like exercising in individuals. Problems, such as stress management, are better addressed with such mobile apps.


Preventative Practices

Headspace App

Endorsed by the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, Headspace is a wellness app designed to help with anxiety, sleep, motivation, and more. Guided meditations, sleep casts, and bright, friendly design help you center yourself. There are options for families and kids, too.

Youper App

If traditional therapy is too expensive, Youper offers an AI-powered alternative that helps you work toward your specific mental health goals. The app gauges how you’re feeling each day, offering audio, visuals, and words of encouragement that’ll keep you on track. Some people even use it alongside therapy.

Happify App

This uplifting app provides evidence-based exercises, daily articles, and fun games with great graphics to help you overcome negative thoughts, savor everyday moments, set goals, and improve your mood. Over time, you’ll find yourself devoting more time to the things that actually make you happy.

Fabulous App

Trying to keep up with resolutions? Fabulous helps you track all of your goals, motivating you to build new routines and prioritize your own health. Whether you’re trying to drink enough water, exercise more frequently, sleep better, or cut back on sugar, this app is designed to help you get there as easily (and permanently) as possible.

Mood Tracking

Moodfit treats mental health almost like an exercise app would. Chart your mood, medications, and activities to log your progress, then work to meet wellness goals that you set for yourself. As you progress, share your unique insights with a doctor, therapist, or a friend. ~

Crisis Intervention

Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Crisis Text Line

Virtual Hope Box App