

Zoom Link:

Topic: National Virtual Blocks Competition

Time: Jan 30, 2021 4:15pm EST

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 942 8716 1351

Passcode: acro

Your Zoom Name:

  • Athletes competing from home- please ensure you have the two stars by your name

"First Last**"

  • Clubs with athletes-please ensure you have the two stars by your name

"Club Name**"

  • Spectators-

Spectators may use the link above to watch their athletes compete. Please make sure your zoom name is appropriate. You may leave your video on or off and mute.

Before Competition:

1. Be sure you have reviewed your tariff sheets for no errors

2. Please test your location to be sure the judges can see all of your skills

3. Please wear normal competition attire and have your hair as you would to a competition

Competition Time:

1. Find your athletes day and time for their flight

2. Login to zoom and change name

3. Wait until your name is called and the judge salutes you before starting your routine

4. Please stay on the zoom until everyone in your flight is finished