surrogacy cost in india jan 08

Surrogacy in India presents a cost-effective alternative, approximately a quarter of the expense incurred in the United States, where surrogacy typically ranges from $10,000 to $20,000. India stands out due to its streamlined legal processes overseen by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), providing national guidelines for regulation. Unlike in countries with bans or stringent restrictions, Indian laws permit surrogate mothers to relinquish their parental rights immediately upon delivery.

For couples struggling with conception, surrogacy emerges as a viable option utilizing In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) technology. The embryo is implanted into the uterus of a surrogate mother capable of carrying the pregnancy to term.

The overall surrogacy cycle cost in a reputable Indian hospital is approximately $22,000 to $35,000. This covers various aspects such as doctor charges, surrogate workup, antenatal care, delivery charges, surrogate compensation, and drugs/consumables. However, it excludes IVF/ICSI costs, which are around $2,000 and $2,500 respectively. It's worth noting that while cheaper surrogacy options exist in India, caution is advised due to potential compromises in medical quality.

India's surrogacy sector, valued at around half a billion dollars, benefits from advanced healthcare facilities and English-speaking doctors, setting it apart from some other developing nations.

Beyond financial incentives, the availability of surrogate mothers in India is fueled by a genuine desire to help others experience parenthood, a sentiment widely accepted in many communities.

The surrogacy procedure involves choosing between genetic and gestational surrogacy. Genetic surrogacy, a simpler process, involves artificial insemination of the surrogate with the father's or a male sperm donor's genetic material. On the other hand, gestational surrogacy separates the surrogate from the genetic connection to the child. Eggs are extracted from the mother or an egg donor, fertilized in vitro, and the resulting embryos are transferred into the surrogate's uterus.

In gestational surrogacy, the egg donor undergoes a 4-6 week preparation phase with hormonal medications, stimulating egg production. Fertilization occurs in a controlled environment, and once embryos are at the four to ten cell stage, they are implanted into the prepared surrogate for gestation. Not all retrieved eggs are fertilized, and surplus embryos may be cryopreserved for future IVF cycles.

Medical Tourism Corporation is ready to assist with surrogacy needs in India. To learn more, fill out an estimate request for comprehensive information on surrogacy options in the country.