Dr. Vinit Jakhetiya
Associate Professor,
Indian Institute of Technology Jammu (IIT Jammu)
Ph.D. (HKUST, 2016)
E-mail: vinit.jakhetiya@iitjammu.ac.in
Research Interests
Visual Quality Assessment, Perceptual Signal Modeling, Visual Perception, Image and Medical Processing, Machine Learning, Just Noticeable Difference, 3D Reconstruction, Application of Machine/Deep Learning, etc.
If you are interested in working with us as a PostDoc or Ph.D. / Master student, please contact me through e-mail.
One paper has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (Congratulations Deebha).
Congratulations! Dr. Sadbhawna has joined MNIT Jaipur as an assistant professor.
One paper has received a major revision in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia.
Our team ranked in Top-5 in Bird v/s Drone Challenge (IEEE ICASSP, 2023). One paper is accepted for publication out of this work (Congratulations Sahaj and Shreyas).
Our team ranked in Top-7 in the NTIRE challenge (CVPR, 2023). One co-authored paper is accepted for publication out of this work (Congratulations Pulkit and Shreyas).
One paper has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence.
One paper has been accepted in CVIU.
Congratulations Sadbhawna for successfully defending her Ph.D Thesis.
One paper has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (Congratulations Sadbhawna).
One paper has been accepted in CVPR (workshop).
One paper has been accepted in InterSpeech, 2022.
One paper has been accepted for publication in EUSIPCO 2022.
One paper has received major revision in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia.
Two papers are accepted in AAAI (student Abstract).
One paper has been accepted (Editorial: Computational Neuroscience for Perceptual Quality Assessment)
One more paper has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. Congratulations Sadbhawna :).
One paper has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. Congratulations Sadbhawna :).
One paper has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. Congratulations Deebha :).
Two papers have been accepted (with minor corrections) in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (IEEE TIP). Good Job Sadbhawna.
Our team has won the third prize in the grand challenge organized by the IEEE ICIP.
One more paper has been accepted in IEEE ICIP, 2021. Congratulations Shubham and Parima :).
One paper has been accepted in IEEE Oceans, 2021.
Our team has won the second prize in the grand challenge organized by the IEEE ICASSP (Code: https://github.com/shubhamchaudhary2015/ct_covid19_cap_cnn).
One paper has been accepted in IEEE ICIP, 2021. Congratulations Shubham :).
One paper has been accepted in IEEE ICASSP, 2021. Congratulations Shubham.
One Journal has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions of Industrial Informatics. . The database will be released soon.
I've received funding under the start-up research grant (SRG) scheme of the Department of Science and Technology (DST).
Currently, I'm serving as the Guest Editor for the IEEE Access and IET Image Processing (https://digital-library.theiet.org/files/IET_IPR_CFP_VAQP.pdf )
One paper has been submitted in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.
One paper has been accepted in the IEEE MMSP conference. (Congratulations, Sadbhawana for your first paper).
One Journal paper has been accepted in IEEE Transactions of Industrial Electronics.
One paper accepted in IEEE VCIP and IEEE ACRA, respectively. Congratulations, Kunal Parihar, IIT Jammu, B. Tech Student.
I've helped Dr. Sparash to receive funding under the TEQIP-III scheme (as Co-PI).
I've received the NVidia GPU Grant (Thank you NVidia).
One Journal has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (IEEE TII) (Source code).
One US patent has been granted (Patent Grant number.: US10037231).
One Journal has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.
One Journal has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (IEEE TIP).
One Journal accepted in IET Electronics Letters.
A Journal has been accepted in Elsevier Neurocomputing, Paper Link, Online Subjective Testing form.
A Journal has been published in Elsevier Autonomous Robots Paper Link.
A Journal has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (IEEE TIP) Paper Link.
Currently, I'm working as a Senior Engineer (R & D) in the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI).
I've graduated from the Dept. of ECE, HKUST. My Ph. D thesis can be found here.
I've submitted my Ph.D. thesis, will be graduating soon.
One Journal has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (IEEE TMM) Paper Link, Source Code, Results.
One Journal has been accepted for publication in Elsevier Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine Paper Link.
Joined School of Computer Science, NTU, Singapore as a Project Officer.
One Co-authored paper has been accepted in ASM (in conjunction with ACM Multimedia 2015).
Simulation results of the Perceptually Motivated and MAP estimation-based reconstruction algorithm can be found here.
Currently, I'm working on Just Noticeable Difference (JND), Output images with the proposed and existing algorithm can be found here.
One paper has been accepted in IEEE DSP 2015.
Recently I'm working on Just Noticeable difference (JND) with Prof. Weisi Lin of NTU Singapore. Please fill out the survey form, it will help evaluate my algorithm.
One Co-authored paper has been accepted in IEEE ICIP 2014.
Two papers have been accepted in IEEE ISCAS 2014 and IEEE ICASSP 2014 respectively.