
Working Papers

FinTech Lending with LowTech Pricing (with M. Johnson, I. Ben-David and J. Lee)

2024 AFA Annual Meeting

Market-Based Innovation Policy: Evidence from High-Tech Incubators in China (with Y. Pan, T. Shu and P. Zhang)

2023 ABFER Annual Meeting

FinTech, Market Power and Monetary Transmission (with Q. Wang)

2023 AEA Annual Meeting

Sales Force Incentives and Consumer Credit (with R. Ramcharan)

Surviving the Fintech Disruption (with W. Jiang, Y. Tang and R. Xiao)

R&R, Journal of Financial Economics

Selected Published Papers

Valuation of Long-Term Property Rights under Political Uncertainty (with Z. He, M. Hu and Z. Wang) 

American Economic Review, Forthcoming

Searching for Approval (with S. Agarwal, J. Grigsby, A. Hortaçsu, G. Matvos, and A. Seru) 

Econometrica, Forthcoming


Second Chance: Life With Less Student Debt (with M. Di Maggio and A. Kalda) 

Journal of Finance, Forthcoming

Corporate Climate Risk: Measurements and Responses (with Q. Li, H. Shan and Y. Tang) 

The Review of Financial Studies, 37 (6), 1778-1830.


Mortgage Refinancing, Consumer Spending, and Competition: Evidence from the Home Affordable Refinancing Program (with S. Agarwal, G. Amromin, S. Chomsisengphet, T. Piskorski, and A. Seru)

The Review of Economic Studies, 90(2), 2023, 499-537. Lead article.

The Pass-Through of Uncertainty Shocks to Households (with M. Di Maggio, A. Kermani, R. Ramcharan and E. Yu) 

Journal of Financial Economics, 145 (1), 2022, 85-104.

Fintech Borrowers: Lax-Screening or Cream-Skimming? (with M. Di Maggio)

The Review of Financial Studies, 34(10), 2021, 4565-4618 

Comovements and Asymmetric Tail Dependence in State Housing Prices in US: A Nonparametric Approach (with H. Huang and L. Peng)

Journal of Applied Econometrics, 34(5), 2019, 843-849 


Interest Rate Policy Pass-Through: Mortgage Rates, Household Consumption and Voluntary Deleveraging (with M. Di Maggio, A. Kermani, B. Keys, T. Piskorski, R. Ramcharan, and A. Seru)

American Economic Review, 107(11), 2017, 3550-88 


Systemic Mistakes of Borrowers in the Mortgage Market and Lack of Financial Sophistication (with S. Agarwal and I. Ben-David)

Journal of Financial Economics, 123, 2017, 42-58  


Why Do Borrowers Make Mortgage Refinancing Mistakes? (with S. Agarwal and R. Rosen)

Management Science, 62(12), 2016, 3494-3509  


Collateral Valuation and Borrower Financial Constraints: Evidence from the Residential Real Estate Market (with S. Agarwal and I. Ben-David)

Management Science, 61(9), 2015, 2220-2240 


Foreclosure Externalities: New Evidence (with K. Gerardi, P. Willen and E. Rosenblatt)

Journal of Urban Economics, 87, 2015, 42-56 


The Foreclosure Discount: Myth or Reality? (with J. Harding and E. Rosenblatt)

Journal of Urban Economics, 71, 2012, 204-218 


The Contagion Effect of Foreclosed Properties (with J. Harding and E. Rosenblatt)

Journal of Urban Economics, 66(3), 2009, 164-178