Cross-Caps Laboratory



Sound Cube: Inverse problems in speech and audio processing

Information Intelligence:  Developing efficient and scalable machine learning algorithms

Healthcare Informatics: Building acute and critical care solutions




Prospective Female aspirants, please refer to the link

Prospective aspirants, please refer to the link

PhD: (To be filled on FCFS basis)

PhD Opening in Speech and Language Technology: link

PhD Opening in one of these areas: functional approximation theory, harmonic analysis, random matrix theory or information theory applied to inverse problems in speech/audio processing. Detailed Advertisement: refer here


Speculative Application for Postdoc/PhD/RA/Internship: Refer here


Teaching @ IIIT Delhi

"Machine Learning" in Moonsoon Term

"Theories of Deep Learning" in Moonsoon Term

"Deep Learning" in Winter Term

"Speech and Audio Processing" in Winter Term 

"Introduction to Intelligent Systems" in Winter Term 

Previous Experience 

"Theories of Deep Learning" in Michaelmas Term with Prof. Jared Tanner @ Mathematical Institute, Oxford University

"Introduction to Quantum Information" in Hilary Term with Prof. Artur Ekert @ Mathematical Institute, Oxford University