To commemorate the conferences, the institution's illustrator, Laura Simón, have performed illustrations of native plants of Gentianales which will be displayed on cups and T-shirts. T-shirts are available to pre-order, while cups are gifts for all participants. Extra coffee cups will be on sale on the days of the conferences.

 All colour illustrations have been made with coloured pencils, with five to ten layers to enhance the intense colour of the flowers. The selected species are representations of different geographical regions of Argentina. 

To protect the author's work, the images have low quality and watermarked.

Laura Simón

Scientific illustrator of the CTES Herbarium




If you're interested in acquiring the original art pieces made for the conference (which will be framed, and signed by the author), please contact:

Austrochthamalia teyucuarensis - Apocynaceae. 

This species is endemic to Misiones, Argentina. It Inhabits in the only known fragment of the cerrado savannah, in Argentina. Austrochthamalia is a genus exclusively of the cerrado biome, being A. teyucuarensis the most austral species of the genus. 

Faramea hyacinthina - Rubiaceae

It is a common treelet on seasonal forests (Atlantic Forest). Its blue flowers are a beautiful attraction along the inside forests trails of the Teyú Cuaré and Osununú reserves. 

Heterophyllaea pustulata - Rubiaceae

A very showy shrub, common in the Northwestern Argentina and Southern Bolivia. If any animal it's unlucky enought to eat the leaves and flowers of H. pustulata, they'll become temporarily blinded and hypersensitized to sunlight , causing intense skin burns (This species is locally known as "Cegadera" wich can be roughly translated as "Blinder").

Manettia paraguariensis - Rubiaceae

A beautiful vine, with colorful hummingbirds-pollinated flowers. It was confused with Manettia luteo-rubra for many years, easily distinguishable by having apically rounded buttons.  It inhabits humid forests in Argentina (Corrientes and Misiones), South Brazil, and Paraguay. 

Oreopolus glacialis - Rubiaceae

It is a cushion-formed  shrub, it is often widely branched underground, woody and it only presents herbaceous parts (floriferous branches and leaves) above the ground. The intense yellow corollas generate a very interesting contrast with the surrounding ground.

Pogonopus tubulosus - Rubiaceae

It is a medicinal plant, known by it's properties against fever and malaria. This species has a high contents of alkaloids in its bark. Localy known as Virreina del Monte, it is an excellent representative of the seasonally dry forests of the Argentinian Yungas (Also found in Bolivia, Perú, Paraguay and Brazil).

Topea micrantha - Apocynaceae (Subtribu Topeinae)

It is endemic to the San Jorge Reserve in Iguazú, Misiones, Argentina. It is known only by the type locality. It inhabits swamp areas, surrounded by seasonal subtropical forests. It is unique within the American Asclepiadeae, due to the presence of vibratile trichomes. This particular illustration was performed by a freehand technique with graphite (gray scale), with numerous layers of black pencil.

Topea patens - Apocynaceae (Subtribu Topeinae)

Topea patens grows on flooded humid forests in Argentina (Misiones), Brazil (Matto Grosso do Sul) and Paraguay (Amambay). The flowers are long pedicellate and pendulous, which is very characteristic of this species. 

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