Important info, abstracts and dates




New Deadlines:

Open Abstract Call: June 1, 2023

Close Abstract Call: August 15, 2023


Please use the following guidelines to submit an abstract, selecting between oral presentation and poster. 

All abstracts should be written in English, with Times New Roman 12 font size, single space (.doc or .docx files). Scientific names should be written in italics. 

Title: The Title of the Abstract should be written as a single sentence, with a maximum of 25 words. Do not put a period at the end of the title.

Authors: all the authors of the work must be mentioned indicating the last name followed by the initials of their names. The presenting author must indicate their email address in the body of the abstract.

Institution: Below provide the author's institutions which should be mentioned identifying them with a number (1,2,...), which will be placed at the end of each author's name on the line of text in superscript format. The order of the authors entered here should reflect authorship. Institution names should be followed by city, state and country only.

Main Text: the abstract main text should be written as a single paragraph, with a maximum of 300 words. The abstract should be written following a logical sequence in which the most relevant aspects of the Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion of the scientific work stand out. Abstracts must not include bibliographical references.

Abstracts that do not respect these instructions will be returned to the authors before being evaluated by the Editorial Committee.

The abstracts will be published in a supplementary volume in the journal Bonplandia (CTES).

Optional: one image (color, gray scales or line art) representing your research can be included in the final page (size 6 x 8 cm, color or gray scales in 200 dpi, line art in 600 dpi), preferable a photograph of the studied taxon.


Please use the following guidelines to prepare the poster.

The posters must be hung on their corresponding display panel (with the number that appears in the agenda), the same day of their presentation.

Poster size: 90 cm wide x 120 cm high.

Title: It is recommended that the font size of the title be no less than 20 mm (word processor size 72).

Authors: All the authors of the work must be mentioned indicating the last name followed by the initials of their names. The presenting author must indicate their email address.

Institution: Below provide the author's institutions which should be mentioned identifying them with a number (1,2,...), which will be placed at the end of each author's name on the line of text in superscript format.

Features: Must have the following parts: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Conclusions. The font size of the text must allow it to be read from a distance of approximately 1.2 m.

Optional: References and Acknowledgments.

Each author is responsible for bringing their corresponding poster and exhibiting it at the conference.

Abstract submission

To access the abstract submission please click on Galium lilloi

One of the few species with "normal leaves"  in Argentina (small stipules)