
These videos cover topics surrounding leadership and may be a good fit for an opening activity or to stimulate thinking.

Airplane - Heard of the term building the plane as you're flying it? Yep...there's a video for that. (1:00)

Apollo 13 - Square Peg in a Round Hole: Kranz (Ed Harris) charges his team with a task: to make a square cartridge compatible with a round one. This is a great video to show you have to think out of the box, and do it quickly! (1:15)

Beautiful Coaching - Golden State Warriors Head Coach Steve Kerr knows how to get the best out of his players. This video includes pep talks with NBA two-time MVP Steph Curry. (1:00)

Cowboys Herding Cats - Here's another example of putting phrases into a video. (1:08)

Dancing Guy on Leadership - If you've learned a lot about leadership and making a movement, then let's watch a movement happen, start to finish, in under 3 minutes, and dissect some lessons. A leader needs the guts to stand alone and look ridiculous. But what he's doing is so simple, it's almost instructional. This is key. You must be easy to follow.

Official transcript at http://sivers.org/ff (2:57)

First Ski Jump - Learning Ski Jumping takes courage, and this 4th grader has what it takes. As several people have pointed out it's more about the emotions and facing your fears and overcoming them, than the jump itself. The jump is not small. Think about this from the perspective of leadership - what can we do to make those around us feel we can be successful when we encounter the seemingly impossible task? (1:49)

Let the Players Coach the Game - Golden State Warrior head coach Steve Kerr goes innovative and allowed his players to coach themselves in a game. See what happens when the players take on the leadership role. The segment recommended is from the start through 1:34. (30:19)

Letting Go - This clip from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade has Harrison Ford begging Elsa to let go of The Holy Grail, and reminds us that sometimes we need to let go or dire consequences may occur. (2:04)

Making Good Choices - This compilation of clips is a great one to highlight making choices, particularly for use with students or as a reminder to adults. It has a great use in reinforcing what leadership can be. (4:35)

Monkey Business Illusion - The Monkey Business Illusion was created Daniel Simons. It illustrates how if we concentrate too much on specific tasks or goals, there are other important signals we may miss. This is a key perspective of leadership - you have to be keenly aware and focused, including looking for situations that may pop up that you might not be expecting. (1:41)

People Love Change, They Just Don't Like Transition - Fun video about how people acclimate to change and the change process. (5:26)

Privilege - What is privilege? This video shows a group of students stepping forward and back depending on questions that prompt the processing of "privilege." Find the link with the questions HERE. (3:59)

Remember the Titans - Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, Adjourning - Clips from the movie with Denzel Washington that demonstrates the steps of making a team. (8:33)

Remember the Titans - You Will Respect Each Other - Clip from the movie with Denzel Washington where he lectures his football players that you don't have to like each other, but you do have to respect each other. (1:37)

Smarter Way to Travel -This is a great example of power of groups, or social augmented cognition. (1:22)

The Blind Side - Football Practice - Sometimes leaders need to step aside and let someone else lead..and learn from their perspective. In this clip Leanne Tuohy steps in and shows the coach how to reach the heart of a player. (4:23)

The Multiplier Effect - In this interview, Liz Wiseman speaks with Nic Lucas to discuss the leadership and the multiplier effect in schools. In particular, Liz discusses her book, The Multiplier Effect, Tapping the Genius Inside Our Schools. (51:03)

The Power of Not Knowing - Author and leadership educator Liz Wiseman shares why cultivating a "rookie mindset" is an advantage in a rapidly changing world. Wiseman presents insights from her books, "Rookie Smarts" and "Multipliers," including frameworks and techniques for how entrepreneurs, leaders and employees can embrace a life of constant learning and build a passion for multiplying the genius of those around them. This video was taken at the Stanford Technology Ventures Program on October 8, 2014. (54:49)

Tale of Momentum & Inertia- This short film has a great message about providing support. The takeaway is - don't condemn those who take a risk to help you. Another way to look at it - don't shoot the messenger. (1:10)

Trombone Playing to Cows - Leadership can take many shapes and sizes, and followers come in all shapes and sizes as well. (1:02)

What is Your "Why"? - If you want a solid example of the "what" you do versus the "why" of doing it, this video brings it home (and you'll enjoy a great rendition of Amazing Grace.). (3:45)

Why Happiness is the New Productivity - Vishen Lakhiani shares an inspiring talk about creating a work environment where people are happy. With more reliance on technology and less on face-to-face interactions, this video reminds us how we treat people leads to our success. This has about 39 minutes of lecture and the end is Q&A. (52:00)