
How to Produce Videos 

Video Production Equipment and Tools

See below for an in-depth list of equipment and software considered essential for most video productions. Click through the slideshow  below to learn about what each piece of equipment does.


Video is more accessible and affordable to non-professionals than ever before. Also it's beneficial for experts to learn about the affordances offered by video as a teaching tool.  See the Resources page for more ideas.

Ways to make quick videos:

Video production equipment

9 Tips for better Video

10 Tips for Great Corporate Video

What Makes  Great Corporate Video?

Accessible Video Creates Inclusive Learning Environments Webinar

Tools to Make Video More Interactive

Using YouTube Poll to engage with your viewing audience 

Hap Yak allows you to add text or comments to videos to make them interactive

Synchronous discussion portal that allows break out groups to form

Use Skype or Zoom for synchronous video meetings

Popular MOOC Platforms

Each MOOC partners with different organizations and institutions of higher learning. Some are for-profit, and some are not. Some focus on math/ science and others on global development and still others on lesson plans.

Taxonomy of Video Lecture Styles 

This taxonomy was developed by Konstantinos Chorianopoulos (2018) to help researchers better study and understand the many styles and production methods used in VBL to achieve most effective learning outcomes. He hopes the taxonomy will assist in choosing an appropriate video style for the instruction, and to motivate the creation and use of new styles, based on the areas of his quadrants that have not yet been explored. Click the image to zoom in.

Additional Resources

References Used on This Site