Video-Based Learning & Corporate Training

Overview of VBL in Corporate Training

Corporate Training is a program provided to employees to make sure they receive the essential skills they need to perform tasks in a safe manner.  It can also be used to provide new skills for employees that are already on the job so that they could perform their job efficiently. 

Traditionally, corporate training is offered in a classroom as an interactive training  and during the workday as an on the job training. As the evolution of the modern work place includes more remote employees and diverse cultures it has contributed in the transformation of corporate training methods to involve social and online learning  (Andriotis, 2018).  

According to Pang 's (2009) research assessing the pedagogical equivalence and component effectiveness of video-driven multimedia, video and interactivity are important functions to deliver effective web-based professional development programs. 

History and Outlook

According to Brent Schlenker (2017) Video streaming was introduced as a learning solution in corporate training  in the 2010’s. In today's corporate environment video is considered the best training tool. 

According to Cisco’s VNI Forecast and Methodology, 2015-2020, video will be responsible for 80% of the internet traffic around the world by 2019. 

10 Reasons to Use Video for Employee Training and Development (Ferguson, 2018)

When implemented well, video can be a powerful medium for delivering and enhancing training in today's corporate world. This section  explains how video-based learning in corporate training is used, what the processes are, and where it can be used.

Structure of VBL in Corporate Training

Asynchronous Learning

Asynchronous learning can take place any time, any place. It does not require learners to be in a specific location. 

Examples of asynchronous video in corporate training: 

Although there is no real-time interaction, asynchronous learning allows learners to share thoughts and questions with instructors and fellow learners (McNamee, 2018). 

Synchronous Learning

Video communication that allows for real time interaction. It does not require learners to be in-person or at the same location. 

Moore and Kearsley (1996) described three types of interaction:

Corporate Training Video Examples

Employee Training

HR Training Video

Sales Training

Interactive Video

Interactive video activities, assessments, prompts and more can be used to teach both hard and soft skills and help promote a deeper learning approach by linking multiple ideas and concepts together within a personally engaging environment (Cherrett, Wills, Price, Maynard and Dror, 2009).

Process of VBL in Corporate Training

Production Process

Making video is not as simple as it looks and that is why production companies work in teams of individuals with different expertise. Video production for corporate training, falls into three stages of production, each with different sets of skills needed.

Best Practices for How-To Videos

Catie Foertsch from DigiNovations outlined ten best practices that will help to make how-to training videos effective.

Equipment and Tools 

Video's ability to visually communicate complicated information in bite-sized steps that engage viewers combined with the evolution in technology has led most organizations to use video-based learning in their training programs. 

Organizations could make training videos on their own, but making a polished, well-edited video often requires expensive equipment and tools, in addition to specialized skills at every stage of production. 

How to make a corporate video:

The type of equipment and tools needed for video production depends on the budget, production style, and shooting location. Check out this list of equipment needed to create a video from start to finish. Keep in mind that the look of the final image depends on the equipment used and the expertise of the operators.


Most consumer and prosumer level cameras in use today are capable of recording in HD (High Definition)  and 4K , This makes  the use of DVD as a delivery method undesirable because burning on DVD degrades the quality of the video  besides its inadequacy.  There are different ways to deliver video content, However choosing the  right delivery method depends on the size of the corporate, cost, convenience, and easy of use. 

YouTube is one of the  best alternative to share video content online, The platform is easy to use, upload and access. Uploaded video could be set to private and  users Gmail could be used for providing  access permission, However it requires users  to have Gmail account  and  video could only be shared for 50 people.  

Microsoft Stream is part of the O365 cloud environment that helps to stream video securely.  It can be used by large enterprises to upload, share and view video content. It generates editable auto transcripts making videos more accessible. It  allows to create Group and Channels so that videos for a specific department in a large organizations are easy to search and make private. It is also all device compatible easing  Mobile learning .

Microsoft Stream 

Grouping videos in Microsoft Stream

According to Lind (2018) live stream was found to be effective method of video content delivery and communication in consumer and commercial sector as it allows interactivity and has low practical requirements. 

Examples of Live Stream Platform 

LMSs (Learning Management Systems) helps to deliver training programs. With the introduction and increasing use of video-based learning in corporate, choosing a video-integrated  LMS is important. 

Examples of LMS

8 LMS Requirements for Corporate Training

7 Reasons why LMS is Necessary for Business

LMS Product Video


Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 requires employers to make training materials accessible. Accordingly when producing video for corporate training, accessibility should be considered during the pre-production, production, and post-production stages of the video-making process .  

How to make videos accessible?  

Captions on Video

Audio Description

Video Transcription 

Watch this cllp to learn general information about accessibility in the workplace. 

Go to 3:25 to see an example of an audio description track being used. Note the different voices being used for the narration and for the audio description.

Business to Business Video Marketing

Video use in Business to Business Manufacturing Marketing 

According to the Content Marketing Institute’s 2018 report,  videos are already an important part of the industrial marketing toolbox, and are likely to be more important over time as more manufacturers learn how to effectively produce and use them (Takacs, 2018). The increased number of viewers on YouTube is also affecting the manufacturing sector. 

Examples of manufacturing specific videos

Virtual Tour

Equipment Demo

Customer Testimonial

Educational Content