Find Your Niche

  • A Capella Reign — Group of male students who work with Greg Hudson who perform songs a capella. These boys have TALENT!
  • Art Club — Students meet with Sally Harris and explore various art media. Release your inner Picasso!
  • Baker’s Dozen — This group is the oldest extracurricular group at Valley. Participation is through an audition process. Marcel Marceau would be proud!
  • Drama — A cocurricular activity which allows students to participate in Valley High School performances in a variety of roles, from acting, to makeup, props, stage design, backstage management, and organization. High school is already full of drama, might as well go all the way!!
  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) — A faith-based club which meets Monday evenings from 8:30–9:30 p.m. There is usually a team-builder activity followed by a motivational speaker who shares faith-based stories and encouragement to help students be strong in their faith. Students do not need to be involved in athletics to participate. You’ll be surprised at how good you’ll feel when you leave.
  • LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Questioning) — This club is for students for whom sexual identity is an issue. Students are not required to identify with LGBTQ issues to participate. This is a really safe place to be.
  • Lumberjack Club — One of the more popular clubs, the purpose of this club is to meet on Friday mornings, wear flannel shirts and make pancakes…oh yes, you get to eat them, too.
  • Magic/Tabletop Gaming Club — This club allows students the opportunity to play various games of fantasy with other students. Dungeons and Dragons is another popular choice of game. Unreal characters with powers that Hogwarts can’t touch!
  • Sci-Fi Club — Light year? Check. Worm hole? Check. Black holes? Check. Interstellar space? Check. Take a journey with the Sci-Fi club and see what’s beyond our earthly confines.
  • Closed Captioned — This is Valley’s literary magazine which includes short stories, poetry, and art created by Valley students. Your mind will be blown when you see what our kids produce. Seriously.
  • KWDM Radio — Students must be enrolled in one of the broadcasting classes (Intro. to Broadcasting or Advanced Broadcasting Lab) to be involved with the radio station. Ummmmm….is this thing on??
  • Newspaper (Spotlight) — Students must be involved in Journalism to write for the paper, though letters to the editor are always welcomed! Please keep it appropriate — just sayin’!
  • Tiger Tales (Yearbook) — Same as the Spotlight, students need to be enrolled in Publications. This is an award-winning yearbook, and those students involved must be attentive to deadlines…and like after-school pizza parties.
  • Creative Writing — Students focus on each other’s work and provide constructive feedback. If you think you’re creative, and you think you can write, we can’t think of anywhere else you need to be.
  • Hyperstream — Students focus on technology issues and brainstorm societal technological issues. Want to create an app? Let’s create an app!