
  • Tigerlillies (Synchronized Swimming) — This club starts around February and culminates with the Tigerlilly show in April. For girls who want to be a part of the Tigerlillies, start building your lung capacity NOW!!
  • Ultimate Frisbee — Just like there’s more than one way to skin a cat, there’s more than one way to throw a Frisbee, and this is the club where you will learn how to throw and compete playing Frisbee.
  • Valley Rugby — Rugged. Dirty. Fearless. ‘Nuff said.
  • West Des Moines Lacrosse Club – Join the fastest growing sport in America! West Des Moines Lacrosse Club is all about player development and offers top-notch coaching at all levels.
  • Cheerleading — Students participate through an audition process and are assigned to a particular sport in a specific season. Competition cheer is best in the state…8 consecutive years!!
  • Dance Team — Students participate through an audition process and are assigned to one of two performing teams. 5-6-7-8!!