VFW Programs Overview, Community Service, Youth Scholarships and Activities 


Patriot’s Pen Originally created as the Youth Essay Contest, Patriot’s Pen asks junior high and middle school students (Grades 6-8) to write a 300–400 word essay on a new patriotic theme each year.  Winners receive scholarships and begin by competing at the Post level. Winners proceed to District, Department and finally to the National level where they compete for the $5,000 first place scholarship. 

2024-2025 Theme:  "My Voice in America's Democracy?"

Deadline:  October 31, 2024

Prizes will be awarded at Post, District, State, and National levels. 


Similar to Patriot’s Pen, is the Voice of Democracy Audio/Essay Contest. Since 1947, the VFW has asked high school students to write and record a 3 – 5 minute essay, again on a patriotic theme selected by the VFW each year.  Students may record on an audio CD or flash drive. Like Patriot’s Pen, Voice of Democracy winners receive scholarships and other incentives at the Post, District, and Department and finally to the National level where they will compete for the $35,000 first place scholarship. 

2024-2025 Theme:  "Is America Today Our Forefathers Vision?

Deadline:  October 31, 2024

Prizes will be awarded at Post, District, State, and National levels. 

VFW "Scout of the Year" Program 

When you visit schools and other youth oriented programs, don’t forget to mention our Scouting involvement that includes our Scout of the Year Scholarship Program. The Scout of the Year program is open to Eagle Scouts, Girl Scout Gold Award, Venture Summit Award recipients and Sea Scout Quartermaster recipients.  VFW’s Scout of the Year offers a first place $5,000 scholarship, a second place $3,000 scholarship and a $1,000 third place scholarship each year. The VFW has a long relationship with Scouting. VFW Posts need to consider providing leaders, sponsor units, offer their facility for meetings and encourage their involvement in service projects. Posts can benefit from Scouting by having a unit do a flag retirement ceremony, help distribute Buddy Poppies, or help with clean up after events. These are just a few that would provide a benefit and generally can serve your post. 

VFW “Buddy”® Poppy Program 

Our oldest and perhaps most historically significant program is the VFW “Buddy”® Poppy program. It is important that you realize that although Memorial and Veterans Days are particularly important “Buddy”® Poppy events, you should have poppies at every event that involves your Post and the public. Poppies can and should be distributed year-round. I’m sure you know that we never “sell” poppies.  We give them away and receive donations. If someone cannot make a donation, don’t deny them a poppy. Seeing the red poppy on a lapel or dress brings honor to those we have lost and recognition to the VFW. Additionally, section 219 of the National By-Laws and Manual of Procedure, mandates that the net proceeds from the distribution of Buddy Poppies must be credited to the Post Relief Fund. Also listed in section 219 are the purposes which funds can be disbursed from the Post Relief Fund. 

VFW Special Projects & Youth Activities 

Our next level of programs is our special projects. These include Americanism, volunteer recognition, community service, awards and recognition and other youth activities. Equally important among our special projects is community service. Any activity done by a Post or Auxiliary that benefits the community falls under this broad banner and is supported by the VFW National Organization and encouraged for all Posts, Districts and Departments. Recognizing these exceptional efforts is provided in three ways - our volunteer recognition programs, Outstanding Community Service Posts Awards, and the Outstanding Post Special Project Award. 7 The Outstanding Community Service Post Awards are given to Posts identified by their Departments for their exceptional response to VFW community service programs. Each Department determines the actual criteria for their Posts. Posts selected for this honor are invited to send a representative to the VFW National Convention for a reception with the VFW Commander-in-Chief. There they will receive a national plaque and a recognition street sign for their community. Deadline for entries in the Outstanding Community Service Post Award is May 1st, each year. Outstanding Post Special Project Awards are given each year to Posts that do a special project outside their normal VFW activities. Posts should submit their entries to their Department for review and endorsement before going to VFW National Headquarters. All submissions receive a certificate, Award of Merit plaque or an Award of Excellence plaque. Those receiving an Award of Excellence go on to compete for the Fred C. Hall Memorial Post Special Project Award. The Post receiving the Fred C. Hall Award receives a commemorative plaque and a $1000 community service grant. The Post Commander and his or her guest receive round-trip airfare, accommodations and per diem to attend the VFW National Convention to accept the award. Lastly another special project is VFW Veterans in the Classroom. In recent years, many teachers have contacted VFW Posts seeking veterans to come into the classroom and share their military experiences. VFW members may also choose to contact local youth groups and schools and express their willingness to share their experiences. VFW National Headquarters has available materials to support this activity. Many veterans have found this to be an enjoyable and occasionally a therapeutic experience. Few youth programs provide a greater benefit to a Post than involvement with a Scouting or JROTC unit. Both programs annually produce individuals with an appreciation of patriotism, civic responsibility and the likelihood of future military service. As was mentioned earlier with the Scout of the Year program, VFW Posts need to consider providing leaders, sponsor units, offer their facility for meetings and encourage their involvement in service projects. Posts can benefit from Scouting by having a unit do a flag retirement ceremony, help distribute Buddy Poppies, or help with clean up after events. In the case of JROTC the same applies. Your place may 8 serve as a location for the JROTC Drill team to practice and just like scouting they are an excellent resource for volunteers for Post sponsored activities. Posts are encouraged to seek out ways in which they can benefit their community. The VFW encourages any activity that benefits the community, brings recognition to the Post and honors America’s veterans and those in uniform. Every program, done by your Post, results in relationships that produce good will. This good will increases public interest in your events, often enhances your fundraising efforts and can produce new members. A Post that has been identified as a community asset through its programs will seldom have a shortage of members or lack of community support. Use your VFW Programs to establish your Post as a respected community asset. The VFW will then become the organization of choice for all veterans and will reap the rewards of public favor that cannot be purchased.