Classroom Conduct

Classroom Conduct

Valley Forge Military College strictly prohibits disruptive behavior in the classroom. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a mature manner that does not distract from or disrupt the educational pursuits of others. Should a professor determine that a student's conduct is being distracting or disruptive; the professor may impose the student's immediate removal from the classroom until the student can conduct himself or herself in an appropriate manner. If the professor is unable to obtain the cooperation of the student, the student may be referred for disciplinary action.

Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy
It is the policy of Valley Forge Military College (VFMC) that attendance in scheduled classes is mandatory. The following policy details the ramifications of absences beyond those deemed “authorized absences” as a result of participation in an official VFMC sanctioned function.
Regular classroom attendance has a cumulative effect of creating life-long positive traits — responsibility, determination, respect for rules of society -- that are critical for developing career readiness skills, success in college and in life. It is required that all VFMC students attend every class. Failure to do so will result in actions both academically and disciplinarily.
Each individual faculty member will have an attendance policy that governs their individual courses and considers attendance as part of the overall final grade. The instructors’ attendance policy will be posted in the course syllabus and presented to students during the first week of class.
Authorized Absences include the following:
  • Medical Emergencies – scheduled appointments are not considered a medical emergency and should not be made in conflict with scheduled examinations.
  • Emergency Leave – as approved by the Office of the Dean and the Commandant’s Department or their representatives.
  • Special Leave – as approved by the Office of the Dean, to include college visitation leave, etc.
  • Approved VFMC Functions – such as sports competitions, performing group commitment, or an academic trip as part of an instructor requirement.
  • Unique Situations – approved in advance by the Office of the Dean.
  • Early departures and late returns to accommodate travel in conjunction with scheduled leaves will not be approved as authorized class absences.
  • Regardless of the reason, any absences that total over twenty one consecutive days, the student will automatically be withdrawn from school due to financial aid restrictions.

It is the responsibility of the student to inform their instructor(s) of their impending absence, prior to the authorized absence, and to seek the necessary approvals as detailed above.

Uniform Policy

The dress code at VFMC is established to promote the values and traditions upon which Valley Forge is founded. Dress and grooming standards promote the professionalism expected of VFMC students (irrespective of lifestyle) as they prepare to transfer or enter the workforce upon graduation.

Students who are members of the Corps of Cadets must wear the Uniform of the Day as stated in the Daily Routine Orders (DRO). All other students in the Pathways Program follow the dress code for Pathways.

Outerwear, hats, gloves, hoodies, etc. are not to be worn during classroom instruction or dining hall.

If a student is not in the appropriate issued uniform, he/she is not welcomed to enter the classroom and participate in the classroom instruction.