Why did I create Vet Med Masterminds?

Hi, I'm Sam Geiling.

I am an experienced vet tech educator, struggling to send my students out into a broken career field. I've been making changes in Hawaii, and I'm proud of how far we've come here. I want to take my passion for veterinary medicine and make it a sustainable career. There's been a lot of talk on what needs to be done. I am a do-er. I want to take ACTION to improve vet med in Hawaii and beyond.

Let's get STARTED!

What topics do YOU care most about?

  • title protection

  • pay

  • benefits

  • mental health

  • utilization

  • teaching vets to delegate

  • disaster preparedness

  • diversification

  • unionization

  • legislation

  • onboarding systems for techs and assistants

  • working with national associations

What else? What piece have you been working on, or want to work on?