Farm Camp

Growing a more just, joyful and sustainable community

What is Farm Camp?

Brook Meadow Farm in Brattleboro, Vermont is the perfect setting for youth to fulfill the universal need to build and grow in a nurturing and captivating environment. On 38 acres just minutes from downtown, the farm has 25 acres of forest and two brooks with waterfalls, perfect for exploring, as well as 8 acres of grazing cows & sheep, historic barn, thriving gardens and greenhouse.

Each day at Farm Camp begins with hands-on openers (seed sorting, flower sorting, felting, papermaking prep - activities that make it easy to join in and connect), then Morning Circle with greetings, hopes for choice time, and schedule. Farm Campers help plan their own activities and make choices - including building, painting, cooking, games, exploring the brook. Every day includes a balance of fun teamwork, active play, and reflection/quiet time. Children do meaningful work, try new foods, celebrate in community. Experienced, compassionate leaders shine a light on each child, celebrate diversity and help new friendships grow.

Farm Campers make bread, farm pizza, berry pie, and yummy ice cream. We sing, express gratitude, and laugh through lunches and clean-up, building connections to each other and the earth that feeds us.

Now registering for summer 2022! Ask us about Spring Farm Days, and we look forward to working and playing with you this summer!