
  • "Let the little one go" (In German, "Lass das kleine gehen") -German Guard in Auschwitz

  • "One day, they lined us up and we had to go past Mengele naked, with our shoes in our hand… He said to me, 'You won’t do. You’re too thin. Go that way,' which was left. I didn’t go all the way there…I spoke German very well, and I said, 'Oh, but I’m very strong, I can work.' A German guard was standing next to me. She leaned to him, and she said, 'Lass das kleine gehen [Let the little one go],' and he did. He did." - Vera Federman

  • "Something told me I had to do it. So, it was probably her telling me I had to do it. But you know, really, she was an example so I really just said this has to keep being told. Just 'cause she's gone doesn't mean that her story is and her legacy is." -Breeze Dahlberg, Vera's granddaughter

  • "So I said very quickly and I spoke good German—I said, “Please I want to go with my mother, I’m only 13 years old,” without even knowing that 13 and 14 was the age where they certainly went there with their mothers, but he shook his head—he didn’t even shake his head—he just pointed me." -Vera Federman (Testimony)