

On Student Loan Debt

Daniels, G., Galloway, J., & Kakar, V. (2024). Student Debt Relief and Racial Wealth Gaps  AEA Papers and Proceedings 114: 535-39.

Daniels, G., Galloway, J., & Kakar, V. (2022). Who Benefits from Blanket Student Loan Forgiveness?  Policies for Action. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. 

Media: NPR's 1A, Inside Higher Ed, Urban Institute

Venoo Kakar ® Gerald Eric Daniels Jr., Olga Petrovska (2019) Does Student Loan Debt Contribute to Racial Wealth Gaps? A Decomposition Analysis  Journal of Consumer Affairs, Volume 53, Issue 4, pp 1920–1947.

Media: The Brookings Institution Roosevelt Institute Demos The Century Foundation Inside HigherEd

On Macroeconomics (monetary policy, inflation, economic growth, health)

Health Care Expenditure and Income in Canada: Evidence from Panel Data (2023) forthcoming in Health Economics with Zuzana Janko

Kuhelika De and Venoo Kakar (2021) Effects of Monetary Policy on Food Inequality in India The Journal of Development Studies 57:11, 1852-1870.  

Working paper version 

Venoo Kakar and Gerald Eric Daniels Jr., (2019) Role of cash and costs of inflation for different income groups in the U.S. Economic Modelling, Volume 80, pp 303-319

Gerald Daniels and Venoo Kakar, (2017) Economic Growth and the CES Production Function With Human Capital Economics Bulletin, Volume 37, Issue 2, pages 930-951

Gerald Eric Daniels Jr. and Venoo Kakar, (2018)  Normalized CES supply-side system approach: how to replicate Klump, McAdam, and Willman (Review of Economics and Statistics, 2007)Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, 12 (2018-19): 1–13.  

Media: Replication Wiki

On Housing economics, the gig economy

Lender Heterogeneity in Home Mortgage Lending: Evidence from HMDA Data with Michael Bar 

Venoo Kakar, Joel Voelz, Julia Wu, and Julisa Franco, (2018) The Visible Host: Does Race guide Airbnb rental rates in San Francisco?  Journal of Housing Economics, Volume 40, pp 25-40  MediaMarketplace Weekend (NPR), Journalist's Resource of Harvard Kennedy SchoolSF State News , National Affairs Magazine, NBC Bay Area, Trust in Digital Services (TDS) Research Repository (TU Berlin), The Unassuming Economist (Housing View)


Bollapragada R, Kakar V, Goodwin J, Fremier A (2023) Adoption of FasTrak on San Francisco Bay Area Bridges: Impact of OR Models in Relieving Congestion INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics Working paper version 

Modrek, S., Wong, M., Holschuh, C., Kulkarni, A., & Kakar, V. (2023). Medication Abortion: State of Information on Student Health Center Websites. Journal of American College Health

Kakar V, Kulkarni A, Holschuh C, Smirnova A, Modrek S (2022) Contraception Information on the Websites of Student Health Centers in the United States Contraception

Media: Interactive map SF State News 

Kulkarni A, Wong M, Belsare T, Shah R, Yu Yu D, Coskun B, Holschuh C, Kakar V, Modrek S, Smirnova A (2022) Quantifying the Quality of Web-Based Health Information on Student Health CenterWebsites Using a Software Tool: Design and Development Study JMIR Formative Research 6(2):e32360

Gerald Eric Daniels Jr., Venoo Kakar, and Anoshua Chaudhuri, (2017) Racial Differences in Transitions to Marriage For Unmarried Mothers  Journal of Family and Economic Issues, Volume 38, Issue 3, pp 370-389.  

PubMed (Open Access) Media: Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing study database | Institute of Family Studies  | National Affairs magazine