Scribble Pad

One of my friends studying linguistics asked me, “what really do you study in Engineering”?

" We study Greek scripts but with the grammar of Mathematics!"

Am I the only one to find a surprising similarity between these two States located far away diagonally in the Indian map? Read further to know more about the correlation between Kerala and West Bengal.

They both love to kick footballs. Cricket doesn't stand much of a chance in their street games. They are very social and can be found in packs in tea shops puffing some packets. They talk loud with a distinctive musical note. Devours fish, rice, and root vegetable. One eats tapioca, while the other eats the potato. They even prepare biryani with these root veggies. Their breakfast isn’t complete without tea. Politically they both lean towards Communism. They don't give a damn to the Central. Be it a party or a strike; they know the best ways to do it. Their film industries are sensible and unique. They commute differently, either boats or trams that you won't find elsewhere. They are unique yet comparable!

I hope no one is getting offended. Even though I hate stereotyping, I find this thing interesting enough to post!