Remote Sensing and GIS Journals

Researchers often struggle to identify a suitable journal for submitting their work. Here, a few journal are given in RS & GIS domain

Without Article Publishing Charge

  1. Journal of Earth System Science ------> Springer (IP: 1.104)

  2. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing (JARS) ------> SPIE (IP: 1.344)

  3. Environmental Hazards ------> Taylor and Francis (IP: 1.366)

  4. Advances in Space Research ------> ELSEVIER (IP: 1.746)

  5. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction ------> ELSEVIER (IP: 2.56)

  6. GIScience & Remote Sensing ------> Taylor and Francis (IP: 3.58)

  7. Remote Sensing of Environment ------> ELSEVIER (IP: 8.79)

With Article Publishing Charge (Open Access)

  1. European Journal of Remote Sensing ------> Taylor and Francis (IP: 1.904; APC: $700)

  2. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation ------> ELSEVIER (IP: 4.8, APC: : $2250)

  3. Remote Sensing ------> MDPI (IP: 4.11; APC: 2000 CHF)