Courses Offered

English           English 1 (9A)

                          English 2 (9B)

                          English 3 (10A)

                          English 4 (10B)

                          Contemporary Composition

                          American Literature

                          Modern Literature

                          Expository Composition

Mathematics    Algebra 1A

                           Algebra 1B

                           Geometry 1A

                           Geometry 1B

Social Studies  Economics

                           U.S. Government

                           U.S. History A

                           U.S. History B

                           World History A

                           World History B

Science               Health

                           General Science/Integrated 1 (physical)

                           General Science/Integrated 2 (physical)

                           Life Science A

                           Life Science B

Electives       Financial Literacy


                         College & Career II

                         Math 1, 2, 3

In addition to the above high school credits courses, ACCT offers High School Equivalency test preparation in conjunction with coursework. ACCT students can also take Venice Skills Center vocational courses, including cyber security, software applications, dental assisting, pharmacy technician, etc.