In my design experience with REKKR I enjoyed the process of communicating with the small team to create levels people would enjoy experiencing across all play styles. I felt open to voice my ideas to offer a more expansive view into what the player and community would expect or want from the areas I was creating. I also worked diligently and asked for assistance when fixing or encountering issues with the game or my level.  My job was to create maps based off a spreadsheet given to me with specific points, I built off from that to create some of the levels seen in the game. 

For Magnus Avenue I mainly went with my constant feeling that urban areas should feel "lived in" and have as much reality as the engine could provide without harming gameplay. I would ask "why does this structure exists?" and "why would people come here?".  Oddly enough, the level only called for some apartments but the courtroom/jailhouse was my main addition that seems to be a good eye catch to many. Due to the strict vanilla limits I negated excessive details like washrooms or most furniture. I often feel this is my favorite level I created. When I play old Doom levels I imagine large complex and explorative areas, some may hold nothing but environmental story, some may have secrets. I often see it listed as a highlight which makes me proud.

For Danse Macabre I did the opposite really, it was a fun bonus map that went for style over substance. I experimented with engine tricks and mixed up scenarios for the game. I sort of tried to tie it around a theme of Daylight and Night but it was very loose.  My thought was to add some variety and try to do things the base game wouldn't have. I personally have a lot of things I'd do differently now but I occasionally see people ask how to reimplement it into Sunken Land which makes me happy to see.  

For Growth Sanctuary I was given the task of creating a classic 'Heretic' styled map. A straight key-hunt and find the exit style map with combat and secret hunting. As with all my maps I tried to paint the backstory of a fortress colony surrounding a tree which I took inspiration from the many Roda tree levels throughout the YS series.  I really wanted to portray an area of the world hidden away in this tree colony. There is also a small Shadowgate reference for those willing to search for it. A big thing I wanted to ensure was using all of GZDoom enhanced features to make a level that couldn't be done in just standard Doom engine games. The tight deadline and learning the mechanics of the game where quite a task for me but I felt by the end I knew what I was doing and felt there was a good balance of combat and exploration in the finished level. It meant a lot to be picked for this fun level sets creation and the mappers were good at helping each other.